Part 15: Home

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         "Love for me is being myself with him"

Don't forget the size bestie I need the biggest please okay she replied and what else that's all I guess bye then I ended the phone call as I resumed eating my bandashe.

This your bestie spoils you too much Hajiya said shaking her head, well I'm her favorite that's why. Good for you,I hope you're done packing because you leave in a few hours.

Yes I'm done all that's remaining is for me to get my bucket of dambu from Baba malam's.
I'm going to miss you namesake but I won't miss the trouble you come with, we both laughed.

Here hajiya said use it to buy makeup since that's what you like madam makeup artist . Thank you Hajiya I hugged her it's too much for makeup but trust me to put it in good use. After the prayers were said, I left the palace with a boot filled with ever popular Kayan zaki, the Queen's gift to Umma.

I couldn't help shedding a few tears as I bade bye to Bestie and Baba Malam, I was so going to miss them. The size of the dambu bucket consoled me and I couldn't resist a few handfuls.

Arriving to the airport late made me turn a blind eye to the attendants inflations to my excess goods at the check-in counter. I had to be in Abuja no matter what.

I finally got through and made my way to the plane. Welcome Hajiya, so its you we've all been waiting for,an attendant said sarcastically, well I'm royalty that's what's expected I replied making her shut up.

Finally home I thought as we started descending and the Abuja skyline came into view. Why is this one smiling like that I thought as I made my way to alight only to be stopped by an excuse me the man who couldn't close his teeth said.

I was very sure it wasn't me, it couldn't be me so I paid no heed till he repeated excuse me please, looking at him very confused made him add ,I wouldn't take a minute then he stepped into the cockpit. That was when his uniform registered, ohh his the pilot I facepalmed myself mentally.

I curiously followed him in after thinking of 1001 reasons why he wants to have a word with me. Was he going to comment on my tardiness or what?

Welcome another man said,ushering to a seat. Interesting I thought as I thanked him before adding,why am I here? my eyes shifting form the man to the smiling pilot.

Straight to the point I see the man said which made me roll my eyes internally.  I'm captain Luqman Ahmad and would you do me a favor and give me your number?

My eyes widened in disbelief then turned into slits in a split second, the audacity. So you I said looking to the second called me in here for you looking at the captain to ask me for my number?

Well you catch on real quick he replied with a smile I was eager to wipe off his face. No you can't get it said standing up, next time you want a girls number you better go out yourself and ask her captain as I sashayed out.

I reached home just after maghrib prayer, had dinner with everyone while giving them the jist of all that happened in Kano. The stress of a busy day too it's toll on me so I headed to my room for a long hot bath to soothe my muscles, said my prayers and slid in bed.

Ding! the phone went off, who could it be I hissed as I reached for it blindly. A message from an unknown number and slid the phone one to read.

" Dream of me princess, I know I will '"
                       -L M

Hello my lovelies, I'm terribly sorry for disappearing on you like that. It wasn't intentional, life happened. I hope you understand.

Please Leave comments so that I know my apology is accepted.Na Gode💞

May Allah bless you and your loved ones abundantly Ameen.

With Love and Everything Spice

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