Part 14 : Ameen

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"You never fear anything in this world if you have loved someone who didn't love you back"

6th MAY 2005

You could hear the Algaita and gunshots miles away from the palace, drummers in full swing as their music flowed effortlessly.

The palace was agog with celebration, as you make you way into the inner quarters Kidan kwarya welcomed you with the voice of the lead singer as sharp as the nightingale singing the praises of royalty one made specially for A princess.

This pomp was all part of the traditional celebration of a princess's wedding as she leaves this kingdom to another to build her home.

As a kid I loved everything traditional especially the large gatherings that came wit it.

I didn't understand what they were about specially but what they meant to me was
non-stop celebration that came with the freedom for me to run around the palace. Then most especially the Durbar, it always turned out so beautifully.

I was captivated by the women dancing In sync as the kidan kwarya got intense,they never lost a step. It was perfectly choreographed that I could swear they could do it in their sleep and then something caught my eye.....

I saw a horse being brought to my grandma's courtyard and I had to run after it in anticipation for a ride.

It was beautifully decked in red a gold and I looked forward for a ride only for my hopes to be crashed when my aunt held me back and said not today this beauty was only reserved for the Amarya

Amarya? What is Amarya? I asked clearly pissed by her hinderance. Shestarted her boring explanation which made no sense to me, but I had to give up and watch as my coolest aunt was brought out then led to the horse.

I burst out into laughter because here was one of the people who stopped me from riding about to do so herself,  ohh this is so fun to watch I shouted as I looked around for umar to make sure he wasn't missing out on this.
Nowhere's to be seen was my supposed bestie my face fell as I took off into the palace to find him.

Ya Ameer where is he I asked as I pushed through a throng of boys around him to see him showing off his football skills. The library he replied not missing a beat as he dribbled.

I peeped in and found him sitting in a corner with his face hidden by a book. I made up my mind to scare him for deserting me but as I was about to tickle him he said busted I saw you since you came in, spoilsport I replied as he crimped the top of the page of the book he was reading and kept it on the coffee table turning his attention to me.

Sorry Afiya he said even before I started complaining, you know I don't like being around crowds especially that of women he continued that was the only reason why I sneaked off.

Okay I said with my pout not flattering but I wanted you to see Aunty sa'a on a horse remember she told me never to climb horses again?

He burst out laughing well it because it's her wedding and what is that? Ita ce Amarya he replied, everyone keeps saying that I replied obviously annoyed.

I will explain it to you but first here I kept this for you he handed me a nylon with Awara I sent mahe to buy with, where did you get the money? the new notes Baba sarki gave us he said, why did you spend yours it's new I exclaimed, yes but it it's your favorite he gestured to the package Nagode ya Umar I said as I dug into it.

I didn't get to finish it before he started dragging me up to Baba sarki's balcony so we can watch Aunty saa's entourage as she made her way to the Fada. mouth slackened I was shocked seeing her on a horseback for real wow I wish I was her.

It was soon time for maghrib and Umar wanted to take me back to my grandma's which I adamantly refused and that led us into a fight that our fathers who luckily were passing by had to separate then led us to the masjid.

Immediately after isha Umar came held my hand dragging me up, let's go home he said but I refused saying he was not my friend anymore.

Baba sarki who saying his adhkar was observing from a distance called us and babied me before I gave in then happily followed Umar as he delivered me to umma with the promise of waiting for me to wake up before he goes on his adventures tomorrow.

Isn't it to early I asked Umma while she got ready to give me a bath after fajr I want to sleep Dan Allah I begged.

Well you begged BaBa sarki to take you along to the Fatiha so you have to get ready now she replied ,well can't the Fatiha wait till I wake up because it's too early I half cried as I pulled into the shower.

I beamed at my reflection in the mirror forgetting all the fuss I was planning to make, Umma is the best I said repeatedly to myself.

The sky blue lace gown and the same shade of veil wrapped around my head which Umma had to secure with pins then changed my jewelry and gave me a stern warning not to remove it for whatever reason because she was tired of me being careless .

I look pretty I told everyone I met as I made my way downstairs to look for ya umar and ya ameer.

I watched keenly as the Liman,fondly called Baa Malam officiated the Nikah. It all looked so strange to me so I had a lot of questions. As they handed over the dowry, I ducked down to Baba Malam's ear and whispered whose money is that?

Similing at me he sat me on his lap and replied your Aunt Sa'adah. That's plenty, what's she doing with it? anything she wants he replied why? because she's the Amarya..

I scrunched my face thinking hard then I asked again, but so Amarya gets horse rides, plenty money and parties? Everyone burst out laughing before Baba malam replied with a yes.

I want to one, I want to be Amarya please Baba malam, one day InshaAllah he replied you have to grow up first he replied.

I am big alright Baba, I know a lot of things. I want it please, you can't have it now was his reply which made me go to Baba sarki to see if my wish will be granted.

After a hearty laugh he said okay, but first to be Amarya you need an Ango. What is that I asked very confused, this he replied gesturing to the man waiting to be turbaned, he is your aunts Husband.

Ohh I exclaimed my face breaking into a smile as I said I have one too, I went near Umar and asked his will you be my Ango? I want to be the Amarya. Yes was his reply as I pulled him in front of Baba sarki and Baba Malam.

This is my ango I said proudly, so am I an Amarya too I asked eagerly, yes Baba sarki nodded while Baba Malam said inshaAllah Allah ya nu na mana.

A loud Ameen echoed the domed hall....

Sorry will not cut it but that is all I have to offer you. Thank you for those who left messages💞

May Allah's blessings be with you and your loved ones.Ameen.

Yours with love and everything spice

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