Part 8: Reminiscing

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Umar's pov

As she disappeared into the plane I remembered the first day I set eyes on her....


It was a cold Friday morning that I woke up and for the first time mama was not there to get me ready and help me with my morning routine, I had to struggle to do it alone while pestering my aunt why mama wasn't present as always
Aunty Ai rushed me saying my mom was at the hospital and I should hurry too because as soon as she finished her chores we would head over there too to get a peak of the baby. A baby my chest thumped my mind went into overdrive as i sulked.

I walked into the hospital room and my eyes fell on mama sitting guarding the crib my tiny heart clenched as she kept smiling at whatever was in it.
I didn't realize I paused at the doorway till umma called out my name telling me to come in it was at that point mama looked up and gave me a half smile and went back to what she was doing,
With a frown I went to Umma's side and greeted her she answered asking why I was unhappy I kept mumm and the one of the old women laughed out calling mamas name saying look at umaru Wai kishi yake and and the whole room burst out laughing as Umma told me not to mind them and she gave me a juice box.

Amir came rushing into the room towards me excitedly saying umar I have a sister come see her she's so tiny We can play with her he said as he dragged me towards the cot once I was in front of it i tiptoed and my eyes saw a tiny bundle with little fists sleeping

I have never seen something as angelic before so I stared mesmerized
She's always sleeping Amir said let's go play no I want to look some more I replied so he left.i didn't know for how long I have been standing till mama forced me out to play.

I obsessed over her so much that I had to move in with Amir 3 days later.Umma was so kind to allow me carry her even though mama objected saying it's a bad idea that I could mistakenly drop her.

On the eventful night I woke up to muffled sniffing and feet's shuffling around,I opened the door to a teary eyed Umma as she was rushing out,I followed her to ask what the problem was only to be stopped by Anty Asmau with swollen eyes asking me why I was up?why are you crying I asked in return ignoring my question she said I should go back to bed that everything will be alright by daybreak god willing.

Daybreak came and Amir was making such a fuss that Anty Asmau had to take us to the hospital with her.

Stepping into the corridor I found mama crying so hard with Umma consoling her,oblivious of the tears running down my face I ran to my mama to console her.

Noticing Amir and i's presence she got herself together and started consoling us instead.After a while i noticed everyone kept glancing at the window on the opposite wall so I walked to it to see what was behind.

The image forever ingrained in my head. The image that reminded me of my promise to protect her till my last breath.
There in a cot lay Afiya connected to tubes undergoing blood transfusion...........


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