Eighty one

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I slowly walked back to the room Jasmine was in. My head down as I thought about what the doctor said.

One hour, all it took was one hour for my life to turn upside down and I personally never thought I would care for anyone as much as I care for him.

If Summer wasn't there holding me when the doctor told me the news I probably would've collapsed to the ground.

I mean, all that fucking prying I did for him and he...

"Well, I'm sorry for the scare, he's alive and okay." The doctor smiled as I let out a sigh of relief. "We're going to keep him monitored and in a room for a while and if he doesn't have any problems in the time he's here, he can go home with you and mom."

And he pulled through.

I looked up and laughed.

A smile broke out onto my face. "Fuck yeah!"

I started jogging towards Jasmine's room feeling elated. I went through so many emotions in the last couple of hours happy do to my babies being born, love, protectiveness, sadness, anger, and now...my happiness is finally back.

I burst through the door and Jasmine's head jerked as our daughter began to cry. I grimaced as Jasmine huffed before her eyes widened and she sat up.

"Y/n please tell me our son is okay."

I sighed and closed the door behind me before walking up to her. I leaned down once I got to her and reached for our daughter before kissing her forehead.

She handed me our daughter and I slightly bounced her as I shushed her causing her to instantly quiet down.


I shook my head. "Oh sorry I'm just really happy and I wanted to bask in the silent happiness but I forgot you don't know," I nodded for her to scoot over and she quickly did as I sat next to her. "Well, he's okay."

She let out a shaky breath before running her hand through her hair. "Thank God."

I nodded getting a good look at her. She had bags under her eyes which were red and puffy. "You look like shit."

She rolled her eyes. "Well sorry I was worried about my son and not only that but I just had a baby and haven't gotten any sleep yet."

I chuckled softly. "Sleep now then, I'm here and everything's okay with our little family, the doctor said he's okay and if all- when all goes right he can go home with us."

She looked at me before smiling softly and shaking her head. "That's great but, I don't think I can sleep until our-"

I quickly shook my head and scooted down the bed as I laid my daughter on my chest before holding my arms open. "Sleep."

"Okay okay but um, take off your shirt."

I frowned. "Um, I don't think I want to have se-"

"Shut up," she rolled her eyes. "We talked about this, skin to skin contact so she can hear your heartbeat and your bond grows."

I quickly nodded. "Oh yeah, I forgot," slowly sitting up I handed Jasmine our daughter before pulling off my shirt. "Now sleep?"

She nodded as she yawned.

I laid on my back as she laid our daughter on my chest before laying on the pillow.

I frowned raising a brow. "Um hello?"

She chuckled before shaking her head. "I'm fine on the pillow."

"But why?"

She sighed and shrugged. "Shut up so I can sleep."

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