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"Come here." Vanessa giggled.

I shook my head smiling. "No because you're just gonna make fun of me."

"I promise I won't," She smiled. "Tell me the story."

I sighed, fuck it. "Okay I got this scar my Freshmen year of high school," I said and laid next to her on my bed. "I was really into this girl."

She sat up and smiled down at me. "Oh noo."

"Oh yeah." I smiled. "Okay, her name was Gabrielle and she was a cheerleader," I laid onto my back. "She was wayyy out of my league but I thought why not give it a try. She was into athletes so my dumbass decided to join the soccer team. Her so-called boyfriend was on the team and I guess he was intimidated by me or something because he put me through hell just to tell me I can't be on the team."

Vanessa laughed and started to play with my hair. "I think I can guess where this is going."

"Oh no mama you can't," I shook my head. "Naturally I was pissed because he wouldn't put me on the team so I figured I had to find another way to catch her attention," I closed my eyes. "It was the big championship game and everybody was hyped because we were winning. It was close to the end of the game and I knew I had to do something before it was over." I shook my head laughing.

"Don't stop it's getting good." She said hitting my forehead.

"Okay, I uh ran onto the field and stole the ball from Luke, Gabrielle's boyfriend, and he chased after me to get the ball back. While running from him I saw Gabrielle laughing and I thought I was doing a good job. I stopped and kicked the ball, into our team's goal, but what I forgot was that Luke was coming at me at full speed and he didn't have enough time to stop."

Vanessa laughed. "Mhmm."

"He crashed into me, my leg was just coming back down to the ground and when he crashed into me I fell, and my arm snapped. Bone popped out and everything, but wait that's not even the best part," I chuckled. "I started to cry, like fucking bawl."

Vanessa leaned over laughing.

"The only good thing that came out of it was that I got my first kiss, yes it was on the cheek but, it was a kiss."

"Oh my God baby you were a dork." She giggled.

"Were? No, I still am." I chuckled.

She smiled and hummed. "So you got a scar trying to impress a girl, that's kind of romantic."

I nodded. "You think that's romantic I didn't tell you that I learned a whole language for her."

"Wait what?" She asked.

"Mhm, Gabrielle was Cuban so I learned Spanish to impress her."

"Did it work?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Nope, well kind of, it impressed her but she still didn't want to be with me."

"Aww her lost."


Vanessa shifted and went back to playing with my hair. "You and Summer have been working for what 5 days now?" She bit her lip looking nervous.

She's been acting nervous all day...should I be worried or flattered?

I nodded. "Yup, the event is 4 days away."

"Excited?" She asked meeting my eyes.

I shrugged smiling. "I guess," I squinted my eyes. "You look like you want to asked me something."

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