Thirty seven

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"I didn't know you could cook this good." Vanessa mumbled putting another piece of my famous pancakes in her mouth.

"I can't, I'm only good at pancakes and noodles." I shrugged.

She laughed. "That's a combination."

I nodded. "I'll definitely make it for you one day."

She shook her head and turned in her stool to face me. "I want to thank you by the way."

I frowned. "For-for the food?"

She smacked her lips. "No, thank you for..." she trailed off smiling softly. "For being you Y/n, you have no idea how many times I've been going through something and thought of you to make me feel better."

I raised a brow. "No I don't have any idea, wanna give me a hint?"

She chuckled. "Seriously you, make me super fucking happy."

I hummed. "I'm just paying it back, you know you make me happy too."

She bit her lip. "Look at us having a moment."

"All thanks to these pancakes." I smiled.

"Your right, if it wasn't for these pancakes I wouldn't have let you in my house." She took the final bite and stood up putting the plate in the sink.

"Oh wow what a bitch." I rolled my eyes and stood up.

She laughed. "A bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, bark grows on trees, trees are apart of nature and natures beautiful."

I laughed as we went upstairs. "Your lame ass."

We laid on her bed and she placed her hands onto of her stomach. "Damn I'm full."

"I tend to...fill girls up." I smirked glancing at her.

She laughed rolling her eyes. "Was that meant- never mind of course it was."

"So Nessa," I laid on my side propping my head up on my hand. "What do we have planned for today."

"I was thinking we just hang out here," she shrugged tugging at the string on my hoodie. "What's up with you and hoodies?"

I chuckled shaking my head. "Long story."

She smiled meeting my eyes. "Well since we're hanging out here all day, I think you have enough time to tell me." I sighed getting lost in her eyes as her smile got bigger and she looked away. "Or not, that's fine."

I shook myself out of the trance. "No my bad um, so my favorite uncle, Craig, was the literal definition of a gentleman."

She frowned. "Was?"

I laid on my back and looked up at the calling nodding. "Yeah, he died three years ago from cancer, he was really the only adult that I could talk to," and the only adult my "dad" was scared of.

"I'm sorry Y/n." She said.

"It's fine, people die and it sucks but, I can't mope around because he's gone," I chuckled. "He said he'd come back and hunt me if I did." She laughed softly. "Anyways, he was really chivalrous and he taught me at a very young age that I have to treat females with respect or else. I always asked, or else what, but he never told me." I shook my head. "Um, we would always watch those old timey romance movies where the guy puts his coat on top of the water for the girl to walk over. Sooner or later I realized that a jacket or sweater is a key part when it comes to "respecting females". I put up air quotes.

She chuckled. "I really wish I could meet young Y/n."

"I bet you do," I rolled my eyes. "But um, we weren't the riches when I was younger so I never really had a lot of clothes so when my uncle bought me my first sweatshirt I wore that thing everyday. Eventually I got my first crush on a girl and ended up giving her my sweatshirt, which I quickly learned is a thing girls love to take." She scoffed and nodded. "He bought me another one for my eleventh birthday and I kept that one, Travis actually has it I kind of want to keep that sweater in the family."

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