Thirty three

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Here's an early update because I'm feeling generous.


"Hey I was looking for- why are you crying?" Jasmine asked grabbing my arm.

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it, where's the drinks?"

"No, no drinks tell me what's wrong." She said pushing me back as I tried to walk away.

"Jasmine leave me alone." I rolled my eyes and went around her.

She grabbed my hand. "Okay back upstairs we go." She walked upstairs pulling me with her and then we entered my room. Sitting down on my bed she pulled me next to her and turned to me. "What happened and who the hell made you cry."

I bit my lip and looked down. "Summer broke up with me."

She scoffed. "You two weren't even dating, you were crying over that?"

I shook my head. "It's dumb I'm being a bitch."

"Tell me what she said." She grabbed my hand.

"Well she's leaving the country for five months because of me, she's still in love with Vanessa and she never had feelings for me, I mean she literally told me she doesn't love me and to just move on," I bit my lip. "No big deal really."

Jasmine clenched her jaw. "She's missing out, trust me."

I shrugged and stood. "I know, like I said no big deal."

"You loved her didn't you?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah that much is obvious."

She came to stand in front of me and sighed. "I'm sorry she's a dumbass and I'm sorry she just broke your heart. I can see that what she said is getting to you but, you gotta stop that. Don't let her ruin you, it's one girl and there will be a million others."

"You don't get it, I can't just flip some switch that'll make me fall out of love with her," I sighed.

She raised a brow. "But, don't I get it?" I frowned. "Same thing just happened to me Dino, you think I'm over Quincy all ready?"

I sighed. "Yeah sorry, I forgot about that."

"It's cool, your hurting right now and your mind is all over the place. I know how much it hurts to get your heart broken and I know how shitty you must feel to just now be finding out you were being used but, your not alone," she grabbed my hand. "Don't let your emotions eat you up and break you down, talk to me and I'll listen to every damn syllable."

"Thanks Jazzy," I looked down at our hands. "You know I'm starting to think that I'm just not good enough, I mean I basically begged her to stay with me."

"Don't start with that depressing shit, that's not allowed," she tilted my chin up. "Just because one girl is a fucking dumbass who's too deep in her feelings for someone else doesn't mean your not good enough."

"Yeah," I nodded.

"You believe me right?" She asked.

"Of course," I said.

She hummed. "Does Vanessa know that Summers in love with her?"

"Possibly, how hard could it be to figure out," I shrugged.

"It's pretty easy to hide your feelings from someone," she mumbled.

"Even people your that close to?" I asked.

"I think that makes it even easier to hide your feelings, you know that person like the back of your hand which makes it easier to hide things from them." She said.

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