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"Shit, it's boiling out here." Summer whined.

"Stop complaining Winter." I said.

She looked at me and glared. "Is that really the best nickname you could come up with?"

I put on a thinking face. "Umm, yeah I think so."

Summer rolled her eyes. We were at this really nice park taking pictures. Considering it was 95 degrees outside the park was fairly empty.

As I was looking through my camera at pictures Summer came and laid her head on my shoulder.

"You just said it's hot," I looked over at her, "why are you on me."

"Why are you on me." She mocked.

I chuckled shaking my head. "Real mature." I said as I kept scrolling through the pictures.

She hummed. "I love this picture." She pointed to a picture of her sitting in front of a wrinkled blanket.

"Yeah this is nice but, I like the one of you in front of the flowers." I said scrolling to the picture.

She nodded. "Yeah that is nice."

She moved her head as I laid back on the grass. She then laid her head on my stomach.

She started to giggle. "Your stomach sounds like a whale." She turned her head and looked at me.

"Oh, you didn't know," I raised a brow, "I'm pregnant, that's just my baby moving around."

She laughed. "Ohhh, who's the babies daddy?" She asked.

"Quincy duh," I rolled my eyes, "I stay loyal to my man."

She laughed again shaking her head.

"Don't get me wrong though, Vanessa is definitely my side girl." I said.

Summer's eyes widened. "I'm telling."

"Snitches get stitches." I warned.

Summer nodded pulling her phone out. "No need to get hostile."

I sighed and looked up at the tree we were under. Tomorrow's really the big event. Am I excited? Sure, I think.

I guess the real question is. Am I happy? Of course I am.

I have to be.

I looked over at my camera and bit my lip.

"You okay?" I heard Summer whisper.

I quickly looked at her to see her already looking at me. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be."

She shrugged. "You look," she paused, "conflicted?" She said in a questioning tone.

I nodded. "I'm just trying to figure out if I should keep this baby a secret or not." I smiled.

She just shook her head and sat up. "I haven't known you long but, I pick up on things quickly," she looked down at me and bit her lip, "whenever something's wrong with you and somebody tries to get you to talk about it, you tend to try and deflect the question by cracking a joke."

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