Forty three

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Lmao everybody really said "Fuck Vanessa she on her own."

But, on a serious note I'll be putting a trigger warning later on in this chapter so...proceed with caution.


Vanessa's POV

"I know your in there Vanessa, open this damn door now!" David yelled.

Dammit I am not in the mood for this.

I let out a deep breath and slowly pulled the door open. "Hey wha-"

He pushed me inside and slammed the door shut behind him. My heart rate skyrocketed as I looked into his bloodshot eyes.

"I called you," he walked past me and into the living room looking around. "Why didn't you pick up?"

I ran my eyes over his body, studying him. His hands were shaking and his breathing was rapid. Shit, if I'm not careful his going to lose his mind.

"I've been on the phone with Summer for hours, your call didn't come through." I shrugged as he turned to face me.

"Really?" He scoffed. "Why wasn't your car here?"

I gulped. "Davey I was just-"

"With that freak," he growled walking up to me and gripping my arm. "I told you to stay away from her." He leaned down closer to my face.

"She's not a freak, she's just my friend, and it's not like we were alone." I winced as he gripped my arm tighter.

Yay, another bruise to cover up with make up.

"That doesn't fucking matter!" He yelled and pulled my body into his. "Your in love with her which means you shouldn't be around her."

"No you think I'm in love with her, I only love you," I slowly raised my hand and caressed his cold cheek. "I don't need anyone else."

He closed his eyes for a second, and during that second I felt hope that maybe I'd be okay for just one day. His eyes snapped back open and he pushed me back causing me to fall on the couch.

But it was only a second.

"You think I'm a idiot don't you?" He started to pace my livingroom as I tried to stay as quiet as possible. "Your probably fucking her," he stopped and looked at me. "Maybe I'll just call my dad."

My eyes widened and I jumped up. "You better not get your dad to hurt her."

He looked at me in shock. "Your standing up to me for her?"

I clenched my jaw. "David, if you do so much as even scare her I'll-"

"What?" He grabbed my chin. "You'll beat my ass," he scoffed. "That's how I know you love her, you can't even stand up for yourself but when I threaten that freak your ready to fight."

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply as he continued to use that word. "Because I care about her, I do the same thing for Summer."

"Yeah but you never threatened me," he shook his head looking down. "Don't you know how much I love you Vanessa? And for you to threaten me over a girl really hurt."

My eyes started to water as I started to get flashbacks of...that night. He's playing victim and I can't- shit. "I'm sorry your right, I shouldn't keep spending time with her."

He met my eyes. "When's the last time we had sex?"

I sniffed and tried to back away. "I-It's been a while."

He nodded. "Then come here."

I quickly shook my head. "I'm on my period."

He sighed and clenched his jaw. "Then just get on your knees."

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