Thirty one

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"You look like a fucking clown." I laughed out.

Quincy nodded placing the ice pack back on his nose. "Yep, keep laughing."

And that's what I did. "Oh shit that's hilarious," I wiped away imaginary tears. "Did you go to the hospital?"

He nodded. "Yeah right after you left, it's not broken just swelled up so I have to ice it and then put some little wraps on it before bed."

"I didn't break it?" I pouted. "I thought I was stronger than that."

He shrugged. "It still fucking hurt."

I moved the ice pack away and pecked his nose. "I'm sorry for punching you but, you did deserve it."

"I know, I deserve to have my ass beat," he sighed. "How is Jasmine by the way? I know the day isn't even over with but, is she okay?"

I grimaced. "Not at all, Jasmines good at hiding her emotions you and I both know that but, she wasn't as good at it today."

He looked down. "It was never my intention to hurt her."

I smacked the back of his head. "Quincy you were using her and leading her on, there was only one way for it to end dumbass."

He rubbed his head. "You didn't have to fucking hit me."

"I had to smack some sense into you somehow." I said.

"Do you know if she-"

"No, let's not talk about Jasmine or how badly you fucked up, we'll deal with that later," I stood. "For now, let's just watch a movie and chill."

"Shouldn't we talk about it though?" He asked.

"I'm not Jasmine, you talk it out with her." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of popcorn out of the cabinet. Unwrapping it and throwing it into the microwave as Quincy walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

"Okay but how angry do you think she is with me?" He asked.

"Quincy I will cut off your dick and put it in the microwave with the popcorn if you don't stop asking me questions." I glared at him.

He gulped and then shrugged, walking backwards till his back hit the wall. Standing up straight and meeting my eyes he said. "How many..."

I pointed at him. "Quincy..."

"Licks does it take..." He continued

I huffed. "Stop..."

"To get to the tootsie roll center..." he bent his knees and pointed at me.

I shook my head. "Don't."

"Of a tootsie pop." He whispered still in the same position.

I walked up to him and bent down to his level. "The world may never know."

He looked up meeting my eyes and then we both burst into a fit of laughter. "Ughh we're so cringy." He groaned standing up straight.

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