Sixty four

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"Hurry I have to pee." Vanessa groaned.

"Shhh be patient." I glanced at her through the mirror.

Jasmine held her burger up to my lips and I took a bite keeping my eyes on the road.

"How come she gets to have a bite and I don't?" Vanessa asked from the back seat.

"Because I'm her baby." I smiled.

Jasmine scoffed and handed her burger back to Vanessa who smirked and took a bite. "Hah."

I rolled my eyes and continued to Jasmine's house. "Remember that next time you-" I stepped on the breaks hard as a car flew past a red light. "That car was going fast as fuck," I rolled my eyes looking at the truck. "My baby in the car watch where you're going!"

Jasmine chuckled as Vanessa hummed. "Are you calling me or Jasmine your baby?" She leaned forward. "Or are you talking about your actual baby?"

Oop...all of the above?

"My actual baby of course." I reached over and rubbed Jasmine's stomach.

"So that kind of counts as you calling me baby too." Jasmine smirked.

I groaned and snatched my hand away from Jasmine's stomach. "I hate both of you."

"Love you too." They said simultaneously.

I chuckled pulling into Jasmine's driveway causing Vanessa to whoop.

"About fucking time, " she leaned forward." Keys keys keys-"

"Under the mat." I said killing the engine.

She jumped out of the car and ran to the door bursting through it. Jasmine and I laughed climbing out of the car.

"So Dino," Jasmine closed the door and locked it after we walked in. "What's going on between you and Nessa?"

I shrugged. "Nothing much."

"Really? Looks like your moving on to me." She smirked slightly.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. "Well, I wouldn't be moving on if you didn't reject me."

"Y/n really, we're still on this?"

"Duh." I turned to her.

"I'm doing this for you."

"No your doing this for you because you're scared."

"Yeah I'm scared of you getting your heartbroken and I'm scared of you distancing yourself because our relationship ended poorly."

"No Jazzy-"

"Dammit Y/n just let me hurt you a little bit so you can find the right one."

I shook my head. "You have to realize Jazzy that feelings aren't one-sided, we have feelings for each other, you don't just have feelings for me so you pushing me away isn't fair and you forcing me to move on isn't fair."

She looked down. "Y/n I just don't-"

"Oh look you two are having a talk, I actually think this is the perfect time for us all to talk." Vanessa cut in walking downstairs as I rolled my eyes.

This is like having your ex, baby momma, mistress, and wife all in the room at the same time.

"Talk about what Nessa?" I walked towards the island and took a seat on the stool.

Vanessa threw her arm over Jasmine's shoulder and they both walked to the other side of the island sitting across from me.

"You guys are confused about a lot of things so why not put everything out on the table and solve these issues."

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