Twenty two

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"Okay, what's going on with you and Summer?" Quincy asked.

"Oh, we broke up." I said biting my banana.

"How'd you two break up if you were never together?" He frowned. "Damn, you really suck at relationships."

I nodded. "I feel like an ass."

"What did you do?" He sat next to me on the couch.

"I can't get over Vanessa," I sighed. "We kissed once and now I'm hooked."

"Vanessa rejected you," He shook his head. "Isn't that a good enough reason to move on?"

"It should be, but it's not." I shrugged.

"Well, I see it like this, you talk to Vanessa, no arguing or walking away, and ask her if she's willing to leave Dobrik and be with you." He said.

I chuckled. "And if she says no?"

"Move on, don't waste your time on somebody who doesn't want you," He scoffed. "If she's not willing to leave her boyfriend for you then why should you stay stuck on her and ignore everyone else."

He's right, I kind of wish I had this talk with him a little earlier though.

"Do you not have any feelings for Summer?" He asked.

"No, I actually do like her," I shook my head. "But, I already fucked that up."

"Doesn't mean you can't fix it, just be sure about her this time, win her back and prove that Vanessa was just a little crush." He laid his head on my shoulder looking at the tv.

"You should go on Tedtalk, you were just preaching." I chuckled.

"Hell yeah I should." He laughed.

I looked down at him as he smiled up at me. "Are we about to kiss?" I asked.

He tapped his chin. "Nah, I'm not gay."

I frowned. "But, I'm a girl."

"Doesn't matter that's gay." He said looking back at the tv.

"Your gay," I mumbled standing up. "I'm gonna go talk to her now."

"Oh shit, first thing in the morning?" He nodded. "You go girl."

I smiled and headed up to the room spotting Vanessa on the bed.

"Where's Summer?" I asked.

"Bathroom, what's on your mind?" She asked looking up at me.

"I'm going to get straight to the point," I closed the door behind me and sat next to her. "Summer and I broke up I guess you could say, and the reason we did is because I can't get over you, I'm constantly flirting with you, and you constantly flirting with me it's really confusing." I cleared my throat. "I like you, a lot but, you rejected me before so now I'm asking you again, will you leave David for me?"

She started at me for a moment and then shook her head. "Why can't you just fall for Summer?"

"That's the problem, I like her too but I guess since I fell for you first I want you more," I shrugged. "I start to get closer to Summer and then you randomly walk in and all my attention goes to you."

"Well that's exactly how it is for me, I won't leave David Y/n, if I met you first we would definitely be happy together, I'd be happy," She whispered zoning out.

"But?" I leaned closer.

She shook her head. "But, it didn't happen like that so I'm gonna stay with David."

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