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"No, I just think that putting your relationship all over Instagram is really weird" Kendall said with her eyes fixed on the road in front of her

"No it's not! Everyone does it!" I protested. I'd been trying to convince her to let me put her on my Instagram story because she looked pretty driving through the countryside, but she wasn't having any of it.

"It's not happening if that's what you mean"

"What about if we get to one year?"

"What do you mean, 'if we get to one year'? Don't you have any faith in me whatsoever?" She teased and put her hand on my leg

"Of course I do, it was a deal" I said

"No, I don't want you to do that. You can have me as your lock screen if you'd like" she said and I grumbled "don't be all grumpy with me, I love you"

"I love you too" I said "that's still exciting to say"

"Say it again" she said

"I love you"

"I love you too" she said and her phone started ringing so she picked it up while she drove "oh, good morning William. I'm just enjoying my weekend with my family, how about you? Oh. Really? Mhm. Ok, you tell me when you know. I can be on the phone, but I'd rather not go all the way out there. Four nights? I don't think... yeah. I'll speak to Brandon, he'll tell me how urgent it is. Ok, enjoy your day William. Goodbye"

"What's up?" I asked and put my head on her shoulder

"Nothing, just a work thing"

"You said four nights and something about a phone call, whats going on Kenny?" I demanded to know what she was doing

"There's a last minute thing in Paris before me and another company do a deal and I'd rather stay over here and do the deal but I may not be able to" she said

"But what about sex?"

"It might have to wait princess, I'm sorry" she said and ran her fingers through her hair while she drove a little faster along the empty roads

"Do you like work more than pussy?"

"I like a few hundred million dollars more than pussy" she said

"I shouldn't have asked" I huffed and turned towards the window

"You know what I mean, you're more than just a pussy" she said and I went back to cuddling up to her "you're a nice ass too"

"Shut up" I giggled. For the rest of the journey I was really nice to her to try to convince her to stay if she had to go, and when we got to her house I tried to sit on her knee while she did some work on her laptop, which resulted in a very awkward position that ended with me gently pushing the computer off her and onto the sofa so I could have cuddles.

"Hey baby"

"Hey" I smiled and she held me closer to her while she typed an email about some sort of contract that I didn't care about, so I tried to get her to give me attention instead of that.

"I think I might have to go to Paris" she said and I looked up her with big sad eyes and she looked the most conflicted I'd ever seen her. Her phone rang and she looked away before kissing my cheek and pulling my head onto her shoulder so I'd get closer to her. "Hello. Good afternoon Pierre, it's nice to hear from you today. Ok, if there's no other way then of course I'll come down and do some meetings. Yes, I'll do that too. That'll cost you. I'm joking Pierre, don't worry. They're kids, they deserve an education. Of course"

"Kenny" I whined and kissed her, but she just stroked my hair instead of speaking to me "please"

"Shh, not now. Sorry, my sister's kids are here, you know how it is, as soon as you're on the phone all they want is your attention. Yes, absolutely. I look forward to it. I'll see you tomorrow. Take care, goodbye" she hung up and sighed loudly while I scowled at her "I'm sorry baby, that took a while"

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