wedding day

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Alana's p.o.v

      I wake up early in the morning and go out onto my balcony before drinking some tea to wake up and breathing in the fresh air. Today is a big day for me and Jason and I'm nothing if not nervous but happy at the same time.

   Before I know it I'm being rushed into taking a bath and getting ready though I have no clue why , I have plenty of time.... okay so scratch that. This is taking forever, we finally get my hair done with silver pins in it and  my makeup done, the last thing to do is put on my dress and shoes. Once I'm ready I grab my necklace and put it on with a smile. Final touches. I walk down the hallway with Jax and outside.

     Once the double doors open to outside I see my groom and smile happily as I see his jaw drop. Everyone turns to look at me and their jaws drop as well and I start blushing. As the violinists start playing the wedding  march I walk down the isle slowly and shyly. Once i get to Jason I hand my wisteria bouquet to my bridesmaid. I join hands with Jason and look into his eyes. The priest starts reading everything out to us and when it was time for our vows. Jason goes first "Alana , the first time I met you,  I knew there was something special about you. I'm so happy that we're here right now. I've dreamt about this day since I met you. Now we will have eachother for the rest of our lives and I'll never let anything or anyone come between us ever again ,I love you." He says looking into my eyes and now it's my turn. I take a deep breath " Jason, nobody will ever make me feel the way you do. I've never been so happy in my life and its all because I have you. From the first time we touched hands you had me wrapped around your finger, I love you, and I will now and forever."  The priest smiles and takes a breath " you may now kiss your bride!" Everyone cheers and claps as we come into a meaningful embrace and kiss eachother.

    After the party and all of the dancing and eating and laughing we get into the carriage to go to our honey moon. We ride for what seems like forever before making it to a cabin  in a secluded area. Tomorrow we will be sailing to a new place to spend the rest of our honeymoon and possibly the rest of our lives.

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