the ball

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Alanas p.o.v

      As we arrive at the doors into the ballroom two guards open them for us and we walk in and look around. Without a secind notice everyone's heads turn towards us and we're announced "Presenting Lady Alana , escorted by guard Eli and Jax the wolf." A guard calls out in a loud voice and theres  a pause before thunderous applause. I look out into the crowd and see Jason with a red headed girl... they're closer to eachother than two friends would be but he's looking at me. I can see sadness in his eyes but he holds his composure and Eli walks me down the stairs.

    Jax wanders off to do his own thing. That dog has more of a social life than me unfortunately. I look over and a crowd of maids are petting him and laughing, he's spoiled rotten. I smile and shake my head. At least he's having a good time. We all gather around the throne as King Malik calls for an announcement. Great.

     Malik clears his throat and silence spreads across the room,  you could hear a pen drop. " As you all know I've thrown this ball for my brother Jason and I'm announcing special news. Introducing Jason and his Fiance Sicily. I hope you all have a good time. You may resume the party." My heart drops once more and a feeling of dread fills my chest. I can't do this. "If you'll excuse me..." I say to Eli before turning and running out into the garden and into the labyrinth of hedges. Jax doesn't follow.

     When I'm far enough away from all of the noise I reach the center and sit down on a bench. There's no noise besides chirping crickets and bugs. I sigh and put my hands on my face again. I've never felt this way about someone before and now my chances of happiness are over... even my dog ditched me for some girls. I laugh and shake my head. Ironic isn't it.

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