the ball

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Jason's p.o.v

      I see Alana exit the building and go into the hedge maze but before I can leave I'm swept into the crowd for the first dance of the night with Sicily. How I wish it were Alana. She's trying to talk to me and I just agree with her but my mind is somewhere else. As soon as this dance is over I have to find her. The dance goes on for what seems like forever and I try to make eye contact with my bride to be but when I look at her I'm filled with disgust. Not because she's ugly, but because she isn't who I love.

     The dance finally ends and I excuse myself saying I need some air. As soon as I'm outside I sprint into the maze finding Alana in the center, crying. Of course, I'm not good at comforting people. "Alana" I say softly as not to startle her and she whimpers "what?" I sigh and walk over to her before sitting down."I am so sorry... It's Malik's fault. I never wanted this..." I trail off once she looks at me. "You sure looked like you were having a good time." She says bluntly and I shake my head. " I'm miserable here without you. I've never felt anything towards any female in my life until you came along. " I pause again to see if my words are getting through to her. I hope they are.

    She sighs and pushes some hair out of her face. How is she so beautiful even with tear stained cheeks. "How can I believe you?" She asks softly "we still can't be together. There's nothing we can do about it. An order is an order." She mumbles before looking back down at the ground, I can't help but notice the tremble in her voice.

     I sigh and lift her head up by putting two fingers under her chin. "Alana, I love you... I'll do everything in my power to be with you. Even if we have to leave this awful place... forever." I say softly afraid someone would hear me, you never know who's lurking in the shadows. Royal life means no privacy.

    Alana nods her head and smiles a bit "I love you too..." she says softly and I smile, wiping away her tears I lean in to kiss her and she returns the gesture.  We don't realize it but someone is watching from the shadows.

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