Trial part two

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Sicilys p.o.v

    I wake up to the sun shining on my face, I sit up and yawn before stretching. Today is the day, all I have to do is give the signal during Alanas trial and the king will be slaughtered. Long live the rebellion. I get dressed and eat breakfast before waling down the hallways looking for king Malik , I am a witness after all and should be with him during this time.

    I find him in his chambers looking over some files, when I enter he looks up at me. "Oh, hello Sicily. Beautiful morning to behead someone isnt it ?" He asks and I nod sheepishly knowing Alana wont be the only one to die today. Good riddance king Malik. I wonder what Jason is doing right now and I wonder how Alana is scti g knowing that this will be her last day on earth. Her miserable existence will be over soon and I couldnt be happier.

     The king stands and escorts me out to the courtyard , my dress billowing in the wind behind me, I had to look my best today as it is very important that I act unaffected. I see Jason standing over to the side talking to one of the guards , not looking at anyone but Alana. He tries to hide his facial expression but I can see the sadness in his eyes, I try to suppress a chuckle.

     The king sits in his throne and coughs to clear his throat. I look around and see all of my people mixed in with the civilians all making eye contact with me instead of the king and nodding waiting for my signal. The king finally decides to speak. "Miss Alana , we are here today to prosecute you for the cold blooded murder of one of out beloved guards Eli Mclure." He pauses and looks at Alana, her facial expression isn't what I was expecting. "How do you plea?" She sighs and holds her head up high. "I plead not guilty your majesty" he nods and looks around.

     " We have a  witness that can concur with seeing you stab the man and he told us himself it was you that inflicted the wound on him. I would like the witness to step forward today and speak the truth in front of god and everybody of what she saw last night."

    There was a moment of silence before I took a deep breath and stepped forward. "Your majesty , I would like to tell you that it was in fact Alana that stabbed Eli Mclure. I saw it with my own to eyes and reported it as soon as I could. " Malik nodded solemnly and I glance over at Alana and smirk.

    "Well then there we have it. Alana, I sentence you to death by beheading." Alana let's her head hang after nodding and the guards take her over to the guillotine and push her onto her knees. Jason hasn't moved but is looking around  like he is waiting for something until a maid appears and runs to him, handing him something... my journal.

    Jason yells out " Your majesty I would like to present to you a new piece of evidence regarding the trail. May I ?" Malik nods and moves his hand as the guards pull Alana to her feet and away from the guillotine. Jason hands the king my journal and he flips it open. Oh no. What will I do... I have to do something. As he reads through it he looks up at me. Then gestures to me and looks at the guards "seize her!" He yells and I try to run but trip into Jason's arms and he pulls my hands behind my back until I can be cuffed. "This woman has been plotting against me and has written it all down , every detail. She has framed Alana for murder, Alana did inflict the wound but did so in self defense as this witch put a spell on Eli to have him force himself on the defenseless Alana! Unchain Alana guards. " he calls out and they do so. Alana runs over to Jax and Jason and makes them set Jax free as she stands there embracing the man she loves.

    I am escorted over to the guillotine and shoved onto the ground. "I hereby sentence lady Sicily to death for betrayal , lies and heresy!" I scream out and before they know whays happening two arrows plunge into the guard and the executor,  they fall to the ground which causes a massive outrage in the audience. My colleagues hurry to attack the king g and Jason shoves Alana back as Jax guards her he draws his sword. The courtyard fills wish mass hysteria and blood shed, it's as if the courtyard is a blank canvas and the blood is the paint.

      There is a full on battle unfolding I  front of my eyes and Malik draws his sword as well, we are losing as even some of the civilians are fighting back. When my people see that they are losing they try and flee, only resulting in arrows to the back and the loss of their lives.

     I try to run as well but am caught by another guard and taken to the guillotine once more. It's hard to run in shackles. I have failed and my cause is dead as I am soon to be as well. The king clears his throat and stands " once again , I hereby sentence sicily to death." I close my eyes and take a deep breath.


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