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Alanas p.o.v

      I awake on the cold floor to the rattle of a guards keys and my cell opening. I guess today's the last day of my life, and what a life it's been. Nothing but running and stealing. Wherever I end up I can guarantee wont be a pleasant place. I am pulled up by one of the guards and shackled, my hands to my waist and my ankles. I guess they think I'm stronger than I really am, at least I'll die with that... but what will happen to Jax. I hope they don't hurt him.... he's all I've ever had...

     I am pulled from the cell and dragged up the stairs into the courtyard, they don't care that they're hurting me. Why should they? They think I murdered a man in cold blood, I got all of my tears out last night. There is no way I will let these people see me cry. I won't die like that. As we enter the courtyard the sun blinds me and I wince, it's extremely bright today but it smells humid outside like it might rain... I guess I won't live to find out.

     The courtyard is full of faces familiar and unfamiliar. All of their eyes filled with hate none the less, what could I expect ? Eli was a well known and loved guard. Nothing I can do now. I'm chained to a pillar and I see the guillotine a little ways off, not the worst way to go I suppose. I sigh and try to steady my breathing and prevent myself from shaking but my adrenaline is almost impossible to withstand. Jax is in chains as well but he is a distance away with a muzzle over his snout , my poor baby... I hope they let him loose. Now all I can do is wait for my sentencing.

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