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Alana's Pov

     As soon as I convinced the king that I was a timid docile girl he decided to let me out of my cell, even offered to let me work in the kitchen. How kind of him.

    As his keys jangled I stood up in the corner and held my hands in front of me, as the door opened I ran and lunged onto the king and dug my nails into his face as he tried to pry me off of him, I kneed him in the groin and got up to run. Hopefully that gives me enough time to escape this hell hole. There's no way I'm staying here.

   I hear the king groaning in pain as I reach the steps, stumbling and slipping on the wet stone but I make it to the door anyways. I curse under my breath as I realize the door is locked and I pull a pin out of my hair and start picking it.

    Right as the king manages to get to the bottom of the steps the lock clicks and I run out into the hall, I can hear him yelling profanities and screaming for the guards. Think Alana , where would a way out be...

     I hear the guards coming and look around,  there are suits of armor . I need to hide amd fast so I slip in between two of the suits and lean agaisnt the wall, hoping that the darkness will conceal me.

   The guards run past and I watch as they disappear down the hallway. I step out and slip around the corner hoping my feet can carry me swiftly until I hear a nouse behind me. I turn and look and there's a small child in a dress, she doesn't look royal but she is staring right at me, I start to step backwards slowly as not to alarm her until she opens her mouth and starts screaming. I turn to run again and hit something solid.

    Two strong arms wrap around me and lift me into the air as I kick and scream until my mouth is covered abruptly and I'm dragged off into a room. The door is locked and I am put down, I turn around and there is a male standing there with his arms crossed. Glaring daggers at me... if looks could kill I'd surely be a corpse by now.

     I stumble backwards and fall in the ground, looking around I see that I'm in an office and I look back at the male, I can only see his eyes as his face is concealed by a hood, his eyes are a electric blue color and it's as if he's staring right through me.

"W-who are you?..." I stutter as I watch the male who hasn't moved from in front of the door. "That's not the right question to be asking right now , girl." He growls back at me and I take a shaky breath. "Do you want to die?" He asks me. I shale my head "N-no!" And I yelp as he rushes over to me and pulls me to my feet, hilding me in a tight grip on my arm that will surely leave a bruise.

     "Then I suggest you do exactly as I say and stay right here while I go talk the king into not beheading you." I nod and he shoves me back down, he then storms out of the room and I can hear a lock click into place behind him.

    I sigh and look around once more,  the only light in here is supied by candles and there are no windows. I reach to my hair for another pin to pick the lock but don't have anymore. With a sigh I put my head in my hands and whimper, all I want right now is to be free and have Jax by my side again. Soon I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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