Chapter 19 - Corruption

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At last, Serene was taken away from the hospital and followed Padme and Satine back to the palace

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At last, Serene was taken away from the hospital and followed Padme and Satine back to the palace. They had to meet with the Prime Minister for further details and insight. The ride was in silence and the winged woman didn't speak all the way back and not even when they met again, once changed into more formal clothes.

She sat next to Satine while Padme took the other seat at the other side. Her mind was on those sick children, feeling their pain which weighted her as if someone had tied rocks around her heart and tossed her from the highest building on Coruscant.

"What if it's not a poison? It must be death watch" he said as he read the reports.

"I'm not so sure. In the past, the deathwatch attacks have only been directed at myself and the administration, not the children" Satine argued.

"They are terrorists. Perhaps the senators' visit has inspired them"

"Terrorists? Our minds should be on the sick children that are dying in the streets What are you going to do to save them?"

"I must speak to the ruling council about this matter" he stood up and left the room, leaving the three women alone.

"I refuse to believe that Death Watch has anything to do with this"

"I agree," Padme said.

Serene at last decided to speak, finding a sudden irritation from the man's words. "His concern for the children was practically none"

"All he thinks about is politics" Duchess confirmed.

"Well, we can't just sit here and do nothing," the younger of the three said, earning a smile from the other two.

"My thoughts exactly"


The plan was quickly placed into motion. Now, dressed in their normal attires; they had returned to the throne room. As per usual, Satine sat at her rightful place while the two Senators stood at the base of the small steps that led to the throne.

In front of them, all of the Duchess's personal guards stood in lines and in attention, ready to hear their next order.

"Thank you all for coming. I suppose you're wondering why I asked you here. As my personal guards, you are the only ones I can trust to investigate this matter. We have a little time. That is why I have asked for your help *walks forward and looks at the brunette* Padme?

"Each of you will be getting a special commlink and datapad, means of direct communication, and location you should investigate" she explained.

"This must be a closed-loop affair. Hundreds of children have been poisoned. They are our children, and they need our help. This is a Mandalorian matter, and we must find out who dares poison our children. Thank you. Thank you all"

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