Before You Read

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[A/N] - Hello lovelies. Let's get to the chase, shall we? This is my first star-wars story (I have many but unfinished and not fully courageous to upload them, yet). Also means I am not an expert in the universe so some species, creatures or ships I don't recognise so I don't name (Cause also I cannot find a good transcript with enough info. Honestly don't know how some writers do it)

My inspiration came from the amazing author: Xleintje and her story The Valkyrie (Obi-wan love story) which made me stay up to 3 am writing even though I should be studying for my exams. (Oups).

I took ideas and some characters from the fantastic movies Maleficent 1 & 2. I changed their name though (but still same actor, almost the same character and they officially belong to Disney).

I have mixed things from my imagination, Maleficent and whatever I found on the internet and seemed like fitting.

The first few chapters will take place before Attack of the Clones and then the story will follow the movie, the clone wars series and the Revenge of the Sith in the end.

I do not know when I will update, so please be patient. I am studying biology (3rd year) and its hell.

To finish this "small" message. English is not my first language (any mistakes of any kinds please let me know). Ideas & Criticism is always open (comments or message).

I am more of an action writer rather than romance, so the whole love thing between Obi-wan & Serene will be slow. But because its first time I attempt this kind of fanfiction (and because I am used in writing anime fanfics), some parts might escalate quickly and then not show up for a few chapters.

I own nothing but the plot, Serena and some other OC.

Star wars belong to Lucasfilm and Maleficent to Disney (like everything else). And this is not a crossover, guys, just using material and mixing it.

Of Lightsabers & Wings (Obi-wan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now