Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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[A/N] - Okay then, first chapter. Please be gentle and let me know what you think. It is of great importance to me to know how my first Star Wars Fanfic is.

The story begins around 1.5 years before the Attack of the Clones so Anakin hasn't seen Padme in years and he is around 18 (give or take),  Obi-wan is 35 and Serene is around 25 years of age.

Let's begin!


In the peaceful outer region, a small ship was on hot pursuit by space pirates. Exchange of guns was between the two parties and no one was ready to back down. Passing through endless black and skies, the smaller ship was forced into an evading manoeuvre.

The pilot of the ship was the talented padawan Anakin Skywalker and by his side his good master and friend, Obi-wan Kenobi.

"I would prefer to be back at that cave with the Gundarks right now," Anakin said sarcastically as he flipped the ship to the side and avoided a few shots.

He then flew higher up and appeared behind the pirate ship, allowing his master to shoot and damage the shields of their pursuers.

"And here I thought you would enjoy some adventure in your element," the Jedi Knight said while also trying to stay in his seat by the unique and daring flying style his student had.

"Well, not this kind of adventure" the pilot replied as the canons of the ship turned and started to shoot at them again.

He was forced to fly to the side and tried to put as much distance as possible before jumping to hyperspace. However, the pirates wouldn't let him as they made sure to keep him on the evasive.

Suddenly, their right-wing was hit, and a fire started. The ship titled dangerously as the Skywalker was trying his hardest to control the ship.

"Go for this planet" his master instructed him and pointed at a nearby planet.

"You crazy? We will crush!"

"We will let them think we did. It's the only way Anakin"

With a grunt, the padawan led the ship towards the blue and green foreign planet while the pirate ship stopped pursuing. Entering the atmosphere, the temperature increased and so did their speed.

The ship shook dangerously and Obi-wan found himself holding on the seats for dear life. The astromech on the back beeped in fright and used its magnetic locks to ensure that it wouldn't fly when they crashed.

Anakin struggled as he pulled the controls with force, trying to ease their landing. The sight of a jungle with endless greens was coming closer and closer.

"Hold on!" he shouted as the ship's bottom came in contact with some of the tallest trees.

The metallic bird shook with force as the branches broke under its weight. Once on the ground, it kept skidding across the ground until its momentum was over and came to a sudden halt. Smoke was coming from most parts of it while its three passengers were intact, almost.

Obi-wan was the first to gain consciousness and placed his hand on his temple, feeling a strong head ace from the sudden landing. His body was slightly numb, but he pushed himself off the chair and slowly gained control.

His padawan groaned as he also woke up, a faint line of blood on his side where his forehead was wounded from the sudden crush. Other than that, he seemed to bear no external wounds and hopefully no internal either.

Of Lightsabers & Wings (Obi-wan x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن