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Elijah watched how his father walked into the room. Everybody seated around the table rose and bowed their heads. It was dead silent as always and everyone waited for Alpha Felix to sit down.

When he finally did, he immediately went to business. In two months would be intrude the Blood Moon Pack on the day Alpha Eros would step down. It was a fatal moment for them and he would take advantage of that.

The idea was that if they attacked the Blood Moon Pack that Celeste would come to aid her family. It was to lure her out of the safety of her mates ground.

"It seems like someone went behind my back and betrayed me", Elijah's heart stopped for a split second as his father spoke.

Did he figure out what he had done?

Felix stood up out of his chair and his gaze went through the room. Everybody was dead silent. They all waited for their Alpha to reveal what had happened.

"Someone has been reporting my plans to Celeste. She's aware of what I've planned",

Everybody was uneasy. The element of the attack was supposed to be the surprise but now that was out of the window. Going after a mate of an enforcer was already insane enough but with this news...

"I can smell your worry but you mustn't. I have a new plan",

Elijah looked up to his father who suddenly laid his hand on his shoulder. He's never been so physical with him and it felt foreign.

"Elijah is going to help me with it",

Enforcer EdwardΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα