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The next morning I was too excited and was jumping around the hallways. My entire body felt like it was about to explode any second and I couldn't condemn my happiness. My family would arrive in less than an hour.

The breakfast table was usually awkward and tense with Hector and Harper at the same table, but my good mood broke through that. Edward was laughing at my frantic behaviour because I couldn't sit still.

"You need to eat, love", he told me, feeding me some toast.

I was too excited to focus on eating and he kept feeding me until I was full. How lucky I was with a mate like him who could keep up with me.


We all stood waiting outside for my family to arrive. It was all way too formal than it should be, but apparently that the way they do things at Edwards pack.

He stood next to me with Jonathan and his mate behind us followed by his parents and sister. Hector stood in the way back next to Tristan, Edwards Gamma.

We met before, but he wasn't much of a speaker and was mostly travelling around the country to constantly check in on packs. Edward only visited packs who rebelled or had misbehaved so badly the Enforcer has to show up.

A large SUV drove onto the driveway and I grabbed into Edwards arm with an enormous smile. They're here.

My uncle stepped out of the car first and I couldn't contain myself. With all my excitement I bolted towards the car and jumped on him. He caught me with a chuckle and I hugged him tightly. His familiar scent made me think of my first home.

"Did you miss me?", he asked teasingly.

"Yes, very much!", I confessed.

My aunt came out secondly and I nearly tackled her to the ground. She laughed so melodic that it almost sounded like a song. Her soft scent filled my nose and I just held her tighter. She was my mother figure, the one I looked up to in all ways and I had missed her so much.

"How come you become more beautiful every time I see you?", she asked cupping my face.

I smiled brightly and loved getting complimented by her. Her blue eyes were shining brightly and she looked absolutely amazing despite going through a rough flight.

"Holy moly! I wanna live here!", that was my Primrose.

She jumped out of the car and turned around with jaw dropped. I was quite shocked when I saw her, mostly by how big she has gotten. She got at least two inches taller, her body was starting to make out form and her hair got very long. If she continued to grow in that direction, she would become absolutely breathtaking. She was already gorgeous, but she had more in her way.

"Look who's getting so big! When I left, you were just a baby!", I cried out in protest and she giggled.

We hugged each other tightly and I was barely a few inches taller than her now. I didn't want her to outgrow me, I wanted her to just stay small forever, but that was selfish of me. She would become a very fine woman.

"I don't know what we are feeding her. She literally grew at least an inch over night", uncle confessed worriedly.

I chuckled and my eyes fell on Zeus. He just came out of the car and I was taken aback by how big he has become. He was almost as tall as his father now and much more broader. He would become Alpha in a few months so it was only natural for him to train more intensely, but I didn't except him to be so upgraded as he is.

"Zeus!", I smiled brightly and held my arms open.

He smiled back and pulled me in a tight embrace. I felt crushed by all his massive muscles, but ignored it since I missed his bear hugs. We pulled apart and I took one more look at him before turning back to my mate and the others.

I gave him a toothy grin and Edward just shook his head chuckling. I ushered my family closer and introduced them quickly and a bit overexcited. But I was really happy to have them here, all the people I care about in one place.

"You live well", Primrose spoke when she shook Edwards hand.

He let out a chuckle as Aurora hissed at her daughter.

"You have a younger brother?", Primrose continued to ask.

Now the group laughs, except for her parents, especially her father. Uncle grabs her by her arm and forces her to stand next to him. I looked at her and could see the little devils grin on her lips. She always acted like this to be humorous or to annoy her father, mostly the latter.

"Excuse me for my daughter", he told Edward, who shook his head like he didn't mind.

"Not a problem. Welcome to my home. It's nice to meet you again. Celeste was very excited for your arrival", he smiled.

My aunt laid her arm around me and pressed a kiss on my cheek. I felt the warmth travel across my body and smiled brightly at her. My family really knew who to make me constantly smile.

"Let me be quick in introducing my family, I bet you had a long trip here",

Primrose nodded in agreement as she stretched out. Planes made her sleepy and she really hated them. I pulled her to me and laid my arms around her from behind.

"This is my beta Jonathan and his mate Susan",

"My parents and my sister Elizabeth",

"My brother Hector and my Gamma Tristan", he quickly introduced them.

Harper invited my aunt for tea and Primrose, Elizabeth, and I followed. Edward would take my uncle and Zeus on a tour around his property and probably go for a run.

"Your cousin is hot", Elizabeth told me when we walked towards the tea room.

I looked at her smirking face and felt disgusted. I wanted her ten miles away from Zeus, she was just bad news.

"My brother isn't interested in girls other than his mate", Primrose spoke up.

"We'll see about that", Elizabeth replied and hurried her steps.

Primrose and I shared a glance and rolled our eyes. We knew Zeus and he had only eyes for his future mate, not even gorgeous Elizabeth couldn't change that.

She was just on of the many who tried and failed.

Enforcer EdwardWhere stories live. Discover now