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"Luna, you have to wake up!",

Susan sat next to my bed as I jumped up. I looked over my shoulder at the clock and it was eight o'clock in the morning. Why did she need me that early on?

"What's wrong?",

"Louis. He found out that you let Adeline leave", her voice was shaking from fear. 

I climbed out of bed and quickly pulled on some pants and shoes before running out of the door. Susan followed me frantically trying to stop me.

"He's outraged! He's too dangerous!",

Dangerous. I was tired of his petty whines. He treated Adeline like shit and he ruled her around like some sort of animal! He traumatized Hector and Courtney from a young age and made them hate him.

He caused so much damage and I won't let him cause any more. I didn't care if he was dangerous, because I could be dangerous as well.

"There she is!",

Jonathan was holding his father down with some pack members. Louis was half shifting and his rage was set on me. I knew that hateful look, it was the same one my father gave me when I met him for the first time.

"Let him go. I'm not scared", I ordered the men.


"It's okay, Jonathan", I told him.

He looked doubtful but I insisted. Slowly they let him go. Louis stayed in his place and glared at me. He wanted to hurt me, kill me. 

"Why don't you just shift and see what happens?", I snapped.

He growled. Maybe I wanted him to shift because taking down a wolf was much easier than taking down him in that state he's in.

"Where did Adeline go?",

"Somewhere away from you. Somewhere she can have her own life",

He growled again now taking steps towards me. I stood my ground and waited for him to stand right in front of me. I tried not to show that I was scared.

My uncle taught me how to take down a wolf whilst being in your human form. He made sure I was able to and trained me hard. I just had to trigger him into shifting.

"She's my mate. I decided what to do with her!", he screamed at me.

"Maybe she'll come back, you know...", I crossed my arms over my chest.

"To reject your pathetic ass",

I pushed him to the ground as hard as I could. He started to shake and I waited for him to shift. I hit the soft spot, he was going to shift. Men always shifted when you talked about their mate. They were so sensitive about that.

Sadly he didn't. And I didn't understand why. He was literally one moment away from shifting. He stood up and rose his fist to hit me hard when we heard a door fly shut.

"Dare to touch her and you'll never see the daylight again",



Hector once told me Edward was the only one who could take down his father. I understood that now. Louis looked afraid when his son stalked over to him and slowly started to get a grip on himself.

"I warned you to control yourself", Edward snapped.

"She took Adeline from me", Louis spat glaring at me.

Edward turned to me with a disappointed look. Why was he upset with me? I did something good! I got a woman out of a toxic relationship. What was so wrong about that?

"Bring father to the dungeons. He has to stay there for a week, until his wolf has completely calmed down",

"What?!", his wolf came back up.

Edward let out one growl to make him shut up. Jonathan stepped in and took his father away. I watched him go, on the nerve of shifting.

"You and I are going to have a talk", my mate told me.

Looking at his face told me enough that I was going to be more of a lecture.


"I don't understand why you're upset about it. I believe I did something good", I argued sitting down on our bed.

He was unpacking his suitcase and walking around the room. I hated that we were arguing when he just returned. I had missed him.

"What's between my father and Adeline is something very delicate. Sending her away wasn't the answer. It sent my father on a dead mission. He could've killed you",

"He didn't. I could've taken him",

He dropped the shirt he was holding and laid his hands on his hips.

"Celeste, he's an ex-enforcer. I know you're the daughter of an Alpha but enforcers are so much different",

"So, I should've just stood by and watched how he abused her?!", I stood up.

"I didn't say that",

"Then what do you mean?",

"You should've waited for me to return and we would've done it differently. Now you've just angered him and he'll go crazed",

I stalked over to him.

"I know he's your father but he abused her for so many years",

"You're not listening to what I'm saying", he snapped.

"I am but it doesn't make sense. If I waited for you, she would've still been here ensuring such a toxic man",

He went with his hands through his hair and I turned away from him. I honestly believed that I did something good. Why couldn't he see that it was a right thing to do?

"I didn't want to argue with you. I'd missed you and was looking forward to see you again", he confessed.

I felt the same way. I wanted to catch up with him and spend time together.

"And I understand that you wanted to help Adeline. I'm not angry that you sent her away. Goddess knows it'll be liberating to her. But you could've called me to see if I agreed",

"Do I have to call you for every decision I make?",

"Of course not! But this one was a big one. You don't know the history behind it",

Now that was just frustrating. They were all keeping something hidden from me.

"Why does your father fear you?",

I regretted asking the second I saw his face. He wasn't angry or upset, he looked shameful. It felt like I opened Pandora's box.

Enforcer EdwardWhere stories live. Discover now