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Nothing. No indication of fear, worry or anger. His face stayed natural and calm as my uncle told him about my father. I didn't know how to feel about that. For starters I was scared that my father would scare my mate off, but it clearly didn't, and that hurt me and reassured me at the same time.

"You're taking the news relatively well",

Zeus covered Primroses mouth and gave her a loaded glare. She always makes a joke out of everything or tries to ease the tensions. Normally I would appreciate it, but not now. I wanted to know why my mate was acting like this.

"Have you taken actions against him?", that was all he had to say.

After such a long explanation about how horrible my father was and his wish to murder me, that's all he has to say? I gaped at my aunt and she didn't know how to react herself.

"I have. He once invaded my property two years ago, which indicates a want for war. But since Celeste is his biological daughter and I'm keeping her on my grounds, I'm not legally aloud to kill or hurt him", my uncle replied.

Silence fell and we were all staring at my mate. He folded his hands in his lap and sat up straighter. I wanted him to respond or just look at me.

"Why aren't you answering?", I demanded desperately.

He looked at me with those deep blue eyes. I bite down on my lip and he just stared at me. Why was he acting so strange? Why couldn't he just comfort me or at least react properly?

"Would you mind if I killed Alpha James?",

His question struck me deep. I never really thought about that. Would I mind if my father got killed? I don't like killing or fighting, but he was the monster that rejected my gorgeous aunt and pushed my mother to kill herself only because she gave him a daughter. Wasn't it fair for me to wish him dead as he wished me dead?

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? Do you really want to take someone's life?",

Taking somebody's life seems like the hardest thing to do. The guilt would kill me slowly everyday. I know I would never be able to do that.

"When someone threatens your pack or your mate you don't think twice. Even if it is something like taking a life",

"He's right", my uncle chimed in.

I looked at my aunt, I always looked at her. She always had the answers, she always guided me, she always knew what to do. But now it was different, she made it clear it had to come from me. I have my mate, I'm officially grown up. Adults make their own choices and it was my time to do the same.

"Can we have some privacy?", I asked.

A silence followed and I knew my aunt and uncle didn't appreciate me throwing them out of the room. Newly met mates tempt to be extremely hormonal and get fully mated in the first twenty minutes of knowing each other. But they knew that wasn't something for me. Even thinking about it made me blush so fiercely.

"Ten minutes, not a second longer", my uncle commanded.

I nodded stiffly and waited for them to get out. Zeus nodded at me and pulled Primrose along with him, but she stopped next to Edward with a youthful grin.

"My cousin is worth more than a billion dollars. So I suspect a rock on her finger if you know what I mean?", she winked wickedly.

Zeus scolded at her and dragged her out, while I blushed even fiercer. She was probably talking about a engagement ring. I just met my mate and we weren't even at that stage yet. But it didn't surprise me she came up with it.

"Sorry for her, she doesn't-",

"She's quite funny", he shook it off like it was nothing.

I smiled relieved and fixed my dress. I was never the type to be nervous around guys, because I knew no one them were the one. So I wasn't worried about them liking me back, because I already had one who would love me more than anything.

Yet with Edward I was a mess.

"You wanted privacy?", he moved closer.

"Yeah", I whispered.

His hand stroke back a lock of hair behind my ear. A soft smile played on his handsome face as I got red. His hand rested on my cheek and I shivered slightly. Just his touch was heavenly to me and I wanted him to never let me go.

"You're so gorgeous",

Our eyes connected and I drowned in his blue eyes just like that. The deeper I went, the closer her came and how much the distance between our lips shortened. Before I knew it we were inches apart.

"What are you going to do about my father?", I asked rather than kissing him, because I was petrified.

He pressed his nose in my dimple and I could smell his minty breath.

"I'm going to kill him and anyone who will try to get you away from me",

A rush of excitement filled my veins and I couldn't help but lean closer. My hands fell onto his strong biceps and I pressed my nose against his sharp jawline.

"I thought you would reject me because of my father", I admitted softly.

He turned silent. Suddenly I get yanked into his lap and our noses bump into each other. I gasp softly as I completely lean into his strong body.

"Your problem is mine to solve. You're my mate and my responsibility",

I nodded astonished and noticed how power felt my head fitted in the grease of his neck. My hands were gripping info his strong arms and I was more comfortable than I would've imagined. Sadly I didn't last for any longer.

"Ten minutes are over",

Uncle Eros walked in.

Enforcer EdwardWhere stories live. Discover now