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For breakfast Edward brought me to the dining room. Staff hurried inside to fill the table with foods and sweets and I felt a bit overwhelmed. It felt like I was attending a banquet.

Jonathan walked over to us with a small brunette hanging on his arm. She had large green eyes and a big smile. She was shorter than I, but looked older, around her twenties. She held out her small hand for me and I shook it.

"My name is Susan",

"I'm Celeste, it's nice meeting you!",

She smiled brightly and looked up at her mate, they must be mates I guessed. He smiled lovingly at her and laid his arm around her waist.

"Susan is Jonathan's mate. She's the Beta female, you'll spend a lot of time together", Edward explained.

Just like Angelina was always by my aunts side. They were best friends and I felt excited to start a friendship with Susan. She looked wonderful and nice.

I nodded shyly, but smiled. He held my hand and sat me down next to him. In front of us sat Courtney, who still looked a bit embarrassed about yesterday.

"I'm sorry about yesterday-",

"Please, it's not a problem!", I assured her.

She blushed and looked down at her toast. Jonathan and his mate came to sit next to her  and started to eat their breakfast. I followed them and picked out a fresh toast.

When I wanted to dip into the jam, the doors opened and Hector walked in. I tried to hide my giggles, but failed. He looked horrible. He was wearing dark jeans with no shirt and dark sunglasses. His hair was roughed up and he was not walking straight.

"Are you drunk?", Courtney snapped at him.

"Shhhh, sissy, my head is hurting", he groaned and fell down next to his chair.

Edward rolled his eyes as he sipped on his coffee. Staff hurried to help Hector up on his chair and finally succeeded. They also handed him aspirin, which he clearly needed.

"That feels a lot better!", he groaned loudly.

I gave Edward a look and he just sighed. I held his hand, hoping he didn't feel embarrassed or anything. Hector was somewhat amusing.

"Welcome to the family, Celeste! You're very pretty, sadly you belong to my brother. Otherwise, I would've-",

"Yeah, that's enough", Jonathan interrupted him with an angry scowl.

Hector just grinned and raised his cup to me. I shook my head and continued to eat. I slowly got to know Susan and Courtney. Susan was twenty and mated. Courtney wasn't mated yet and just turned eighteen, I was a year older than her.

Hector got up from his seat and walked out of the room. Edward rolled his eyes and muttered something about immaturity.

"Are you ready?", he asked noticing I finished my toast.

I nodded and we said our goodbyes to the others before walking outside. His car was parked in front of the entrance and we jumped in towards the pack.


The pack is what I called a small village. Houses were assembled together around one large square, that looked like a market. People were talking, laughing and selling stuff. Children were running around and playing. It seemed so lively and happy, instantly making me smile.

People noticed us and came over to introduce themselves and welcome me. They all looked happy and kind. I held into Edwards hand just to condemn my excitement. It all felt surreal and like a fairy tale. How was I so lucky to have a good mate and pack?

"Do you want a special dress for the mating ceremony?", he asked as we halted in front of a small shop.

Countless of dresses were displayed and they were absolutely breathtaking. I looked at him and frowned. Mating ceremony? We haven't even talked about that yet.

"I want to mate you, Celeste. A mating ceremony is the standard",

"I know, but when?",

"The sooner the better", he pressed a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled and nodded. It still scared me, but not in a bad way. Together we walked in the shop and looked through countless of dresses. I thought he might hate it, but surprisingly he helped me out. It was kind of funny how he held dresses up against my body and then shook his head.


It was a long silk white dress that was just breathtaking. I loved how simple it was, but still classy and fashionable. Edward came back and saw me with the dress.

"Seems like we found the one",

My mating ceremony dress.

A/N :

I changed something in this chapter, because I had a new plot idea.

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