08| PLAY

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The next morning I woke up to a empty spot next to me. Edward was nowhere to be found. I sat up confused and remembered what happened last night. He had comforted me after my nightmare and I think I fell asleep in his arms.

I must have. There was no way, I could've fell asleep otherwise.

I rolled out of bed and walked over to the bathroom to get ready. Tiredly I tried to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. I bowed down to the sink and wetted my face with some cold water to wake me up. When I looked back up, I noticed Edward in the mirror.

I turned around quickly and stared at him in shock. Was he already in here? How could I not have noticed him? Especially when he was only wearing a towel and his defined chest was practically screaming at me with sexiness.

"You must've been tired", he chuckled.

I couldn't utter a word and just remained frozen in my spot. He suddenly came closer to me and for a second I though he was gonna kiss me or do something else, but he reached out to open up the cabinet behind me to grab some deodorant.

My cheeks went red and I apologised softly before leaving the room. I sat back down on the bed and waited patiently for him to finish. I felt so stupid that I just walked in on him like that. How was he supposed to interpret that?

The door to the bathroom opened and he walked out in the same towel again towards the walk in closet. This time I looked away so he didn't think of me as a creeper that wanted to see him naked already when I didn't even know his favourite colour yet.

"You can use the bathroom", he told me when he noticed that I remained seated.

I nodded and hurried inside. Looking in the mirror I saw the blush on my cheeks and groaned. He kept making me blush, I had to get a grip on myself. I was about to spend my life with him, if I kept blushing like this it would get annoying.

Rolling my eyes I stepped into the shower and washed off the sweat from last night. The more I tried to not think about the nightmare, the more I thought about it. I just wanted to make that image disappear, but it haunted me.

It was just a nightmare, it probably didn't mean anything. This was a war between my father and I, Primrose had nothing to do with this. Her father would never let her, she was the daughter of the Alpha. The entire pack had to die before a scratch would hurt her skin. She was the most protected girl in the entire pack, she was safe.

I didn't just tell myself that to make me feel better. It were facts. My uncle was the strongest man I knew, he had the biggest pack in all of America. He together with my aunt cleared out an entire race of rogues. Nothing would even come close to hurt their daughter.

"She's safe", I whispered to myself.

Closing of the water, I got out of the shower and hugged a towel around my body. When I wanted to reach out for my clothes, I realised I didn't take any with me. I had to go to the closet, Edward would see me like this.

Before I could blush again, I walked out with all the confidence I could find. He was sitting on the sofa, tying his shoes. He was wearing dress pants with a white dress shirt that was slightly opened to his chest. My lips parted and I couldn't help but think of him as sexy.

"Get dressed, I'll take you to my pack today", his eyes got darker when he saw me.

If I was correct I could see the lust and hunger in his eyes. This time I didn't blush, but smirked. I don't even know how I dared to do that. But I walked further to the closet with my eyes still on his.

"Celeste", he winked at me with a small grin.

"Yes, Edward?", I replied sweetly.

He leaned back and I watched how he flexed his impressive muscles. My eyes fell on his thick thighs and thoughts filled my mind that never been there before.

"Don't play with me like that", he warned me amused.

He stood and slowly neared me. I let out a giggle and hurried inside of the closet. His chuckles filled my ears, but he didn't follow me in. I smiled like an idiot and had to sit down for a while. I liked flirting with him, it made me feel excited.

"I love to play", I whispered under my breath, knowing well that he could hear me.

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