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After Edward served me some delicious chicken Alfredo pasta, he showed me around. The place was enormous and I had a feeling I would get lost. What was different from my old pack, was that he and only his family and close friends lived here. No other pack members, they all had their own house. I found it sad because I always enjoyed a full house.

"And to end the tour. This is our room", he opened the door to a gigantic room.

My jaw dropped as I walked inside. My eyes fell on the large king-size bed taking up most of the space. Intrigued I walked over and sat down on the heavenly soft bed whilst caressing the silk sheets. This felt like a dream and I never wanted to wake up.

'I see you like the bed',

Edward was leaning against the wall while staring at me. I nodded while smiling brightly. I felt so happy and if this would be the rest of my life, I was a lucky girl.

'That door leads to my personal office', he pointed at the door closest to the window that gave a view over the woods.

'That one leads to the bathroom', he pointed at the door vertically over the bed.

I raised myself and turned around just to take everything in. There were shelves with books and only two photo holders. The room was relatively empty and I wondered if that was his personal taste or that he just didn't like full rooms.

He came to me and grabbed my hand and guided me to the final door. It leads to a large walk-in closet. I noticed my clothes already up next to him. A smile crossed my face since it reminded me of my aunt and uncle. They had the same and it made me feel giddy inside to think I had the same.

'I can full your side even more', he whispered in my ear.

Edward stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. When did that happen? I barely noticed it. I felt my cheeks heathen up and looked down at my feet. I could feel his chuckle and then a kiss on my cheek.

Unwillingly, I ruined the moment by jawing. The jetlag was getting to me and I couldn't fight off the tiredness, despite my tries. Edward noticed that since he let go of me and caressed my cheek softly.

'Why don't you get ready for bed? I'll be back in twenty minutes', he suggested.

I nodded agreeing. I really wanted to take a shower, to be honest, I felt dirty and sweaty still from the flight. He left me alone as I grabbed my pajamas and walked over to the bathroom. Just as I saw him leave the room, it hit me.

There was only one bed. This was our room. We were going to sleep together.


'This is all your fault!', my aunt screamed at me tears streaming down her eyes as she held into her lifeless body.

All I could do was stare at the blood streaming out of her body and it slowly forming into a puddle. I felt sick to my stomach and dropped to the floor. My aunt kept screaming at me until I could see her lips moving, but no sound came out.

'You could've prevented this', the voice sent shivers down my spine.

The body in my aunt's arms was Primrose's. Her dead eyes were staring to me, carving guilt into my soul. I was responsible for this, I caused her death. All because of my father. I turned around to the voice, to him.

He was familiar, I was still his daughter. He was grinning as he won, which he did. He would always win. Someday he would finally get me. He would kill people just to get his hands on me.

'Celeste...', the voice was distant, but like a savior.

'Celeste, wake up...',

Then it hit me. This was a dream, no a nightmare.

I jumped awake and bumped heads with Edward, who had been trying to wake me. I winced and grabbed my head in pain, but he cut me to it. He pressed a kiss to my sweaty forehead taking away the pain instantly.

'Did you have a nightmare?',

My tears fell before I could even reply. He immediately pulled me in for a hug and I could feel all the tension leave my body. It felt good to be with him and I was so thankful to have him.

'You're safe', he assured me.

I was, but Primrose wasn't.

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