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you sat in the dark cell for what seemed like days, but was probably only hours. you sat daydreaming. it was the only thing you could do to keep yourself sane. you heard footsteps heading towards the cell. perfect. 

EJ walked in alone this time. "no Jeff huh?" he nodded and sat down on the bed, across from you. "this is the last chance i'm giving you to prove you're Ocus, after this, i'm forgetting about you and letting Jeff do what he wishes." 

you felt a chill run down your spine at that. Jeff was no one you wanted to mess around with, especially when he saw you as one of his toys. "the day I left you was because you called me the name my kidnapper used to call me before I killed myself and eventually him." he froze. 

"Ocus? it really is you?" suddenly, you felt the world go white. it was only a few seconds, but when you were back, you knew you were back to normal. you jumped onto EJ, holding him in a tight squeeze. "oh god i missed you, i thought you'd never believe me." EJ didn't say anything back, he just held you tightly. 

"how did you get out of the original deal?" he now sat back, facing towards you. "well, nothing is ever simple with the devil. I can't really say much besides I made another deal." he nodded and got up. "i suppose it's time for the mansion to know you're back." you smiled and followed him out the basement. 

oh how you had missed this place, and everyone in it. you made your way through the empty halls of the mansion. they never were this empty, odd. you followed EJ into the meeting room. "why are we in here?" suddenly you saw why. everyone was there, not a single pasta was missing. even Eri was there. 

"welcome back Ocus, it's nice to have you here again." Slender's voice boomed through the room. Smiley sat emotionless in his seat while everyone chatted among themselves. he seemed zoned out, almost in a trance. you walked up to him, he jumped at your sudden action. "hey Smiley." he just looked up at you, then got up and left the room. 

you were about to follow him but stopped yourself. it wasn't worth it. you walked back to your room, a thick layer of dust surrounded your door, showing not a soul had been in it since you left. 

you pried open the door and made your way in, almost tripping on a fairly large pile of letters, all almost identicle to the next. you picked up one of the letters and looked it over. it had a date on it, as did all the others. there seemed to be one for every day you were gone. 

you opened up a random one, not having patience for searching through the pile for the first one. "you've been gone a while by now, some pastas even avoid mentioning your name anymore, let alone look at your door. but not me, i write these letters to you daily to keep you updated, and each day i place them under your door, in hopes you'll come back and read them. maybe i'm holding onto a false sense of hope, maybe i'm writing to no one, maybe no one will ever read these letters, who knows." there was more but it was mostly about what's been happening in the mansion. 

you sighed and placed the letter back down with the others. you let your body go almost limp as you threw yourself onto your bed, staring up at your ceiling. the cool mid may breeze was flowing through your open window. the curtains swayed slightly with the wind. 

oh how you missed this, hell was not a pretty place, let alone peaceful. you stared at your ceiling, watching the room slowly go dim, as the day turned to night. you got up and stretched, slowly making your way to the door. you opened the door only, it wasn't the mansion hall you were used to seeing. 

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