Halloween Special!!! Somewhat!!! I think... (PART 1)

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"ITS HALLOWEEN!!!" I screamed, running the Chi clan territry. See, they didn't like to share.

"Will you stop yelling?" Kakashi asked. I had decieded to move in here to save money. I hated the place, but I hated being broke even more, so I settled into my old home.

Kakashi was currently with me, seeing I had dragged him with me to help decide a costume.

"You sir, are wearing one no matter what, and no crappy characters either." I warned him, fire blazing in my eyes.

"H-hai..." he held his hands up defensivly, as if to stop me from murdering him here where there was no one else.

Satisfied, I turned on my heel and considered my expansive cosplay closet. Sue me.

Since I was two people, AMaya and the real me, Namida, I had double the candy!! And double the cosplay choices. A younger character for Amaya, like Tsusura (Nurarihyon no Mago) or maybe Rukia (bleach). I would love to go as Hinata... but, yeah....

"WHAT SHOULD YOU GO AS!?!?!?" I asked the major question.

"Maybe I should go as Sollux..." I mused over.

"Ummm... didn't you say he was a guy?" Kakashi asked me.

"yeah, 2o? iit's not liike ii care really, ii mean, girl2 go a2 boy2 all the tiime at cosplay convention2. 2eriou2ly, get your act together. FUCK THIS SHIT!!!" I screamed and threw the broken sollux captor horns headband aside. I know I have another one around here somewhere....

"...How did you just talk like that?" Kakashi asked.

"becua2e we're iin a typed up world, ii can do whatever ii plea2e." I motioned to the fourth wall.

"yeah... ii started reading Home2tuck at la2t. im b0th c0nfused and addicted" I sighed and ignred the author who was sitting in her rolling chair like fucking Tarvos.

"2top siitiing liike Tavro2..." I complained.

"nO. I WILL NOT, SO STOP TRYING! gEESH, nAMIDA, YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER." Now she's talking like him...

"you're confu2iing poor Kaka2hi..." I shook my head at her. Halloween was like fucking Chritmas to us. And so we had a mutal agreement, I stop atacking her on sight and she'll try to tone done the trouble. I think she wrote the contract herself.

"...I'm going to face the wall since a certain someone stabbed my book." I did as he said and I sighed.

"how long i2 thiis 2cence? ii wanna know my fuckiing co2tume already..."

":33 I don't r33ally know... since I can't figur33 out what the paw-som33 coustum33 would b33..." She admitted.

"that doe2n't even work, stop you're crappy cat pun2 already! FUCK THIS SHIT!" I yelled keeping in character with Sollux.


"ii can't tell iif you're wriiting iin all cap2 becau2e you're empha2izing your emotiion2 or you're typiing liike Karkat...." 

"wwhat do youu think I wwas pissing off again?" I sighed.

"why do ii have a feeling you triied to do Eriidan, but found her typiing pattern to complex?" I asked her.

"FUCK OFF...." Back to Karkat.

I turned away from the forth wall where Emma started typing again. Now... Back to my costume... 


So, in the end, I decided upon Hatsune Miku for Amaya, and an asylum breakout for me.

Namida no Aya [Tears of the Night] (Naruto Fan-fiction) (Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now