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"Moo." I sommented as we walked. Our team had finally left the goddamn boat. I hate boats almost as much as cakes....

"Moo." I shouted again. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Saskue grumbled, annoyed. I'd been mooing for about an hour or so.

I gave him a pointed look. "Can't tell you~! MOO!" I frowned and ignored the potato while searching for the cow. (One time, in an assembly, I shouted MOO!!! As everyone was cheering and clapping for the laser light show. No one ever found out...)

"Will you stop?" Sakura asked. I glanced over at her.

"....Naw." I turned away again to search for Zabuza, again.

"MOO! GODDAMNIT YOU FREAKING COW OF AN-" and I was cut off by a giant sword over our heads.

"Okay...so no bunnies hurt." I nodded under the shade of the sword, (I was right next to the tree) completly indifferent.

"PAY ATTENTION!" Kakashi yelled. I ignored him and scooted out from the sword, taking as much time as I wanted.

"Why hello Bessie!" I waved at him. Zabuza glared at me from his sword.

"Bessie?" Naruto asked.

"Yep, he looks like a fucking cow with those pyjamas. So he is now called bessie." I smiled.

"So that's what was with the moos...." Naruto deadpanned.

I could sense an irk mark growing on poor Zabuza's head. I amirked at him, satisfied. I looooovvvvvveeeeee annoying people, it amuses me greatly.

"Step back." Kakashi warned whilst glaring at Zabuza.

"DO I HAVE TO!!!?!?" I complained. He nodded, still glaring at the nin.

"Fine..." i dashed away, suprising the cow. I was fast, suck it up.

"Geesh, can I at least throw kool-said at him?"

"What's kool-said?!?!?" Kakashi started at me. I smirked and took the chance to throw a pitcher at Zabuza.

"SCORE!" I started doing the carmell dansen. 


 "Ohhhh Yeahhh...." I danced around as Kool aid dripped off of Zabuza in Slow-mo. Noticing just how pissed he was, I decided to dance back to my team, where they were sweatdropping and deadpanning at me at the same time. 

"Brilliant..." Kakashi sighed and revealed his sharingan eye. THis made the cow smirk, weirdo....

"Amaya, back me up!" Now, say what? 

"Now, say what?" I asked him. He just shot me a urgent glance. I shrugged and joined the crazy jonin with guns out.  

"Hey, Kakashi?"

"Yes?" he asked, on an edge.

"I believe last time you had a physical exam, they discovered you had atheletes foot. We now believe that it's affecting your brain." I shot at him. "WHAT SORTA JONIN ASKS A 12 YEAR OLD GENIN TO HELP HIM!?!?!?" I shouted at him. 

He cringed. "...do you want to fight or not?" he asked. I smiled and pulled out the kusarigama and stowed away my MP5 temporarily.He sighed and shook his head before directing his attention at Zabamoo.

"...You need help from a 12-year old girl?" He smirked. "Maybe you're not as great of a nin as the Bingo book says. Copied over 1000 jutsus? HAH!" I then procceded to blast him in the leg with my Sig Saucer.

"Only I can mock me!" I yelled at him brandishing the gun wildly. 

"What the hell is that?" he asked. 

"A GUN!" I screamed. "I AM A NINJA WITH GUNS!!! MWUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I laughed like crazy. 

"This is stupid..." he sighed.

"Nope!" I popped the p. "THIS IS SPARTA!!!"I smiled at the bewildered crinminal. 

"Please focus...." Kakashi sighed. I rolled my eyes at him but obliged.

"Kiragakure no Jutsu..." I facepalmed. NOW!?!?!?!?

"8 vital points..." his voice came outta nowhere. I rolled my eyes as I assembled around Tazuna. 

"Heart, kidney, liver, layrynex commely known as throut, spine, lungs, jugluar vein and subclaven artery. Correct?" I asked him.

"...Correct, smart one." Zabuza chuckled.

"Well, you could also have them die of blood loss my stabbing anywhere..." I pointed out.

"True...BUT IT WOULDN'T BE AS MUCH FUN!!!' he lunged into the middle from above, startaling everyone else. Me, who had read this chapter about 49 times, just blocked it with my blade handle.

I flipped in midair and pushed Zabuza back. He snarled at me and I procceded then to destroy the clone. AKA, what everyone thought was him. Kakashi appeared behind the second clone, etc etc. Serouisly, the battle is so predictable....

THen, water prison.... not good. I rushewd in head first and blocked Zabuza's leg with my arm. Straining, I tried pushing him back, but ended up in the water instead. 

Now, I did not expect Zabuza to care about me, a 12-year old, so I burst out of the water. 

"Huh" It's-Shit" I sighed and hung my head a I got trapped. 

'Why da hell you be trapping me? I'm 12! Kakashi over there is a way bigger threat. Unless you eat the last cookie, then your dead! DEAD YOU HEAR ME, DEAD!" I ranted from inside the little sphere of water.

Zabuza shot me a dirty glare before creating a clone t hold the prison. "ASSHOLE! I FUCKING MURDER YOU! YOU-" He handed me a cookie.

"YES!!! THANK YOU!!!! I- wait, why the hell do you have a cookie on you?" I asked him, he blatently ignored me. I shrugged and ate the cookie. Posoin or not. Hey, I'd rather die than let a perfectly good cookie go to waste.THough it might not be perfectly good....

"Don't eat that!" Kakashi warned me, panting on land. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't waste your breath Kakashi! I SHALL NEVER WASTE A COOKIE!!!!" I cheered eating it. "Unless it tastes terrible, then it's not a cookie. It's a cake." Kakashi looked confused and just went back to glaring at Zabuza, panting. Dude I'm the one whose stuck in water here, I don't even need breath as much as he does.... 

"Even though I've been talking so...shit" I thought as I blacked out.

Namida no Aya [Tears of the Night] (Naruto Fan-fiction) (Kakashi Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon