Haku the Dog..

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"WHICH POINT ARE YOU AT!?!?!?" Naruto screamed at me for the 17th time.

"AWNSER BEFORE HE MAKES US DEAF!!!" Sakura then shouted. I looked at the headset that I had thrown to the side. 

"Naw." I continued buying a cat-like dog. "How much is this?" Yeah, I didn't want animal abuse...and I hated dogs. Sue me.

I payed for the cat-like dog. I bent down to Tora and took her ribbon. 

"It's okay, you'll live with a nicer family." I told her. "Can i sell this cata?" I asked him. He nodded, bored. 

"Good Tora..." I petted her and tied the ribbon to the poor cat-like dog. 

"AMAYA!!" Naruto stomped into the pet store. "YOU WERE TRYING TO SELL THE CAT!?!?!?" He pointed at me. I held up the dog. "Oh..." I sirked. 

"I actully did seel it, it dosn't deserve it. This is a dog. I named it Haku." I whispered. Since Haku looks like a girl, like the dog looks like a cat..

0.o I smirked and threw the thing at Kakashi who caught it and glared at me. "This i a dog." I rose an eyebrow at him. 

"And that lady is stupid, it'll work out." I added to my aurgument. He sighed. 

"Either way, I'd rather kill her than let that cat suffer." Sakura looked horrified. I laughed at her. Stupid little fangirl. Kakashi shook his head at me. 

"Let's wrap up this misson, shall we?" I proposed. Kakashi looked at me wearily. 

"Where's Tora?" I pointed inside the pet shop. In we went to find...5 cats all silimair to Tora.

Kakashi wall palmed. Like faceplaing, just when you hit your head against a wall. "Fine..." I rolled my eyes. THat's what you get for trying to beat me in an arguement.


The Hokage sweatdropped as the fat woman dragged Haku the dog away.

"Ummm...."The Hokage deadpanned at Kakashi. He thumbed at me. I waved with a lazy look on my face.

"Tora was being abused." I explained. He facepalmed and began reading off a list, trying to ignore me.

"So, next misson. Digging potatos...." he looked at me and looked back down. "Babysitting." he seemed alarmed at that. "Dog walking..." He looked at me again and shook his head. "Take your pick..." he seemed depresssed.Poor old man...

"NO!!! I WANT A REAL NINJA MISSON FOR A REAL NINJA!!!! Plues, she would probably mutate the kids..." Naruto looked at me. 

I shrugged with a lazy smile. "He's right. I wuld mutate them to shut them up." I smiled.

"....A C rank it is." The Hokage didn't want to put me on any more tihing that I could mutate or mess around with. Smart man. "You'll be protecting somone from theives and bandits. Come in." He hurriedly said.

And in came the drunkard. "This lot's supposed to protect me?" I never got how he was just randomly there.

"Who's the sadistic freak?" he asked I knew it was me. I stabbed the wall inches away from him on both sides with the scythe parts. 

"Shut up, will ya? You give me headaches..." I grumbled. Out of the corner of my eys I saw the Hokage glare at Kakashi and mouth "YOU GAVE THOSE TO HER!?!?!?" I sighed and drew them back.

"......AHHH!!! ARE YOU SURE SHES NOT GOING TO KILL ME!?!?!?!?!?" Tazuna freaked.

"Ummm..no, actully, we're not sure..." Kakashi gave a sheepish smile. Now he was really scared.

"HELP!" He yelled, spazzing out.

I poked him. "I won't kill you. You're needed in the plot so I can meet some of my fav. characters. So, stop drinking and shut up, otherwise I'll serousily injure you!" I smiled at him like it was natraul. Hey, it was for me.

I walked next to Naruto who high-fived me. I smirked adn brought out my gun to re-load it while the Hokage explained things. 

"What's that?' Naruto asked. 

"I'll show you." I got everyone's attention. "Oi! Drunkard, what's your opinoin of this?" I waved towards my gun. He scoffed at it. I smirked, taking this as my signal to shoot. I nicked his ear with it.

"....WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?!?!?' Tazuna screamed again. 

"My poor Ak-47....It's a gun you dumbass." I told him. "I can kill in one shot." I informed him, leaving him sweating there.

So amusing...

Namida no Aya [Tears of the Night] (Naruto Fan-fiction) (Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now