Reads to Votes Ratio

7.5K 521 202
  • Dedicated to The Person I was Going to Dedicate this to Has Left Wattpad O-O

I've found that the usual pattern is normally 100 reads:10 votes: 1 comment. Obviously some differ, but as a writer, the gap between reads and votes can be frustrating.

It could be as simple as the reader forgetting to vote.

Your story description could be intriguing but the first chapter just wasn't for them.

But, the majority of the time it won't be your writing.

Don't delete a story because of it.

You can't judge your own ability on the amount of reads and votes you've got.

As I've touched on in another chapter- addressing Wattpad's reading algorithm- books you find from the home screen are biased towards those with already building reads.

People also access Wattpad and read books without an account.

Meaning they can't vote.

So these are added reads to a story, without votes.

I used to do that before my account.

And unless that's changed, it could be another reason why people tend to read, but not necessarily vote for work.

Even with 'popular' books, the ratio this tends to be the case.

Overall, don't let your reads to votes ratio bother you because it's something that comes with every book.

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