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Planning out your story narrative can help you to complete your work and maintain a good pace because essentially, you know what's going to happen where. But, over-planning can sometimes make the actual writing of your chapters laborious.

Truth is, you need to experiment and use what planning method suites your style, including no plan at all).

You can try using: 

-Short/long bullet-point planning your whole plot or just chapters

- A list of main plot events Etc.

Using a word count goals per chapter can help if you're going in with a minimal plan to make sure chapters are still consistent (Read the chapter on word counts for more.

Plans can offer guidance so your writing stays relevant.

But, if you start to micro-manage story planning, you're writing could become mechanical, from one point to the next.

Having no idea where your chapter is going to go can actually be quite challenging, but it could mean the narrative will flow better, making it easier to read.

Don't rush into planning out a whole story at once. You could lose interest in the idea by already knowing what's going to happen yourself, before you've started writing.

I find I like to write and then plan as I go: as I get more inspired ideas for the plot lines when I'm writing.

On the other hand, planning your complete story before you start writing might work for you.

Spontaneously writing might suit you more.

It  depends what works for you.

Do you plan?

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