Deleting a Story

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Here's some points to consider before deciding to delete your story:

-It should always be the last resort when you definitely know you don't want to continue. Remember that most writing can still be salvaged, re-edited and re-purposed. It could still be of use to you.

-Back up your story on another app so even if you delete it from Wattpad, you could still go back to it, even just to re-use paragraphs or sentences you liked. Either way, have a back up of your story anyway, in case Wattpad crashes.

-Don't delete a story because you feel like it's not getting enough attention. As previously mentioned, reads, votes and comments takes time and dedication to supporting other members of the community, who hopefully will support you in return. If you're passionate about a story, stick with it.

-If its just a case of lacking inspiration, just leave the story alone for a little while. Come back to it when you feel powered up again. Check out the chapter on lacking inspiration: tips on getting inspired again for more.

-Remember, if it's just a few chapter knocking you off kilter, re-editing is always an option. I've had many old Wattpad books I wish I could look back on, even just for nostalgia.

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