36: Pack and Go

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Zainab worked fast, stuffing her clothes in neat squares into her box. It was only a matter of minute before she was done packing. She hoped that she would be able to get an evening bus back to Lagos. If she was unable to, she would spend the night in the mosque nearby. It wouldgive her the much needed silent time with Allah.

She heard the door open but she didn’t turn back to see who was standing at the door post.

‘Don’t leave,” he said
She kept stuffing her things into her bag. It didn’t matter whether he wanted her to stay or leave. She had already made up her mind.

“Please for Farida’s sake.”

“I’m not leaving because of you. I was going to leave anyways but I would have told her later.”

It was silent for such a long time that she thought he had left the room. She leaned over to zip her bag but he caught her hand.

“Zainab, I am sorry about what I did.”

“It’s fine.” She refused to meet his eyes but she pulled her hands away and worked on the zip. “I should be the one asking for

“I didn’t know that things were that bad between you and your husband.”

Zainab fought the hot tears that threatened to break through her eyes.

She stared hard at Eniola. “Things are not bad between us.”

“Farida is worried that you might go back to him. She told me everything.”

“I married him so it is my cross to bear. I’ve decided to forgive him.”

Eniola sighed. “No man should ever treat a woman the way he has treated you. Zainab, you deserve better than this.”

“Well,” Zainab crossed her arms. “Maybe this is what I want.”

Eniola’s lips twitched as he stared down at her. “You always try to act so tough. Why didn’t you tell someone about it? I could have helped.”

“How?” She lashed at him. “How could you have helped me? All the way from Kaduna to Lagos. Who could have helped me? My parents who hate me or my dead sister? Or you, who doesn’t even want to see my face. Who would have believed that the man I loved so much, the one that I did
everything for would treat me like this?”

“Calm down.”

She threw her hands in the air. “Don’t tell me to calm down. Do youthink I don’t know what a mess my life is? I’m like shattered glass. My life is in pieces. Everyone I’ve ever known or loved is far away from me.”

“You have Farida.” Eniola yelled. His words became a whisper as he
added, “And me. You can stay here. At least until things get better.”

“I’m sure of what I want to do.” She picked her box off the bed and dropped it on the floor.

“And what is that? Farida told me that you don’t have anywhere else to stay.”

“I’ll manage, Eniola.”

“So what’s your plan after you leave my house?”

“I’ll go back to Lagos. I’ll find my husband and divorce him.”

“Divorce?” Eniola’s brows rose and his dark eyes seemed to get darker.

“Is it that bad?”

“That man tried to kill me!” Zainab swallowed a sob as Farida entered the room.

Farida stared at her husband, linking her fingers with his. “Has she agreed to stay?”

“No, you know how stubborn she is. She wants to divorce him.”

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