32: Ex

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Osa sat up on the bed, holding his head in his hands. The waves of nausea crashing on the walls of his stomach was nothing compared to the ocean of guilt swirling in his mind. He could still remember exactly what had happened after he had pushed Ruth off his body. How had his life become this turbulent?

The thought that Ruth could get pregnant filled him with more nausea than the fact that he could still vividly feel her hands roaming his body. He felt his stomach constricting itself and trying to force out all of its content but he remained seated on the bed. He knew better than to dash fro the toilet. He had tried it. Nothing would come out.

He forced himself out of the bed and knelt beside the bed. He lifted his head upwards as he prayed. He prayed hard that Kemi would never find out what mama had done. He prayed that he could somehow forget what mama had done. He prayed that he could forgive her. He prayed that Ruth would not get pregnant. He prayed until he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He got to his feet and stared at Kemi, hoping she hadn't made out the words he had been mumbling to himself.

"Kemi, you're back." He swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat. She was glaring at him with her hands akimbo. His heart flew to his throat and tried to pound its way out of his mouth.

"Good afternoon to you too. I hope you had a lovely day at home. Alone."

"Good afternoon." he rubbed his left thumb against his index finger in a bid to still the pounding of his heart.

"So, when were you going to tell me about your best friend?"

"What?" His head jutted forward.

She hissed walking to the vanity table. She settled into the chair and began to take off her jewellery with slow calculated movements. He could feel her anger take residence in the air. He walked to the chair and placed his hands on her shoulders. Osa's fingers kneaded the flesh on her shoulder.


"Alexis?" He stared at the white ceiling, trying to remember why the name rang a cautious bell in his head. The only Alexis he knew was the one in his church. "Did you go to my church today?"

"Yes and I enjoyed every bit if it." Osa's hand tightened on her shoulder. "Ouch, if you want to do something, do it right."

"I'm sorry sweetie." He leaned closer to her and gave her a peck on her cheeks. "Do you mean Alexis Ezeburu?"

"I don't know. Isn't she your best friend? Tall, dark and curvy. She sings in the choir."

"She's the one." He gave her another peek, hoping that she wouldn't make a big deal out of whatever encounter she had had with Alexis. He allowed his massaging hands to explore all the space her shoulders provided.

"Oh." Kemi's tone was a forewarning of something unpleasant. Osa hoped that someone, Alexis to be exact, had not told Kemi about their history. She was the last woman he dated before Kemi and everyone had been so sure that they would get married. Especially mama. She was one of mama's favourite. Fear built a throne in his mind. "I met her today. She said to send her greetings."

"Is that all?" That sounded reasonably safe. He had expected some kind of dramatic show down between his wife and his ex. Alexis was not like Chioma. Chioma knew where boundaries were and tried not to cross them.

She met his eyes through the mirror as she took off her bracelet. "Are you expecting more or is there something I should know?"

"To the best of my knowledge, no."

The speed at which Kemi jumped off the chair and turned to him with eyes that shot acid had him taking a few steps backwards. For a brief moment, he saw Ruth. Then kemi.

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