13: No condom

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Author's Note:

Hey lovelies.
This chapter contains some detail description so be warned if you don't want to spoil your eyes that is if you're not already a bad chaid.

This chapter is for GiftPaul3
Be disturbing someone oh

"Why did you take so long to come up stairs?" Kemi was waiting for him by the door. She'd folded her hands and glared at him.

"I had to-" He paused when he noticed Kemi's eyes were pinned to a stain on his shirt.

"You ate her food. Didn't you?" She asked.

"I had to. She's my mom you know." he tried to explain as he walked towards the vanity table. Once he got there, he took off his wristwatch and placed it there while staring at his reflexion in the mirror.

Many times, he was amazed at what he had turned out to be. If anybody had said to him that he Osa, the boy from the streets would be leading one of Africa's best banks, he wouldn't have believed it but here he was and the best part was that- he allowed his eyes to stray to his wife- he married to a beautiful and successful lady.

"You promised me you would eat only my food. You've been eating her food and I haven't said anything but I told you that we were going to leave this house and you haven't said a word." Kemi complained.

Osa took his time to whisper the tone of the popular 90's song 'celebrate good times.' He took his time to take off his office shirt and belt before heading to the bathroom. Kemi followed him there.

"You still haven't said anything about our outing."

"What's there to be said?" He was eager and he couldn't wait but he didn't want Kemi to know that he wanted her plans to go through even more than she did.

"Are you coming along or not?" She asked.

"And if I say I'm not?" He gave her a lopsided smile as he turned on the shower head.

"Then I'll go by myself and leave you and your mother alone." Kemi replied. Osa was about to laugh when the true meaning of Kemi's words dawned on him. She would actually leave him. His hands squeezed his towel into a ball as he thought of Kemi leaving him for another man. He just couldn't have that. His mind flashed to Chioma again and his heart thundered as the pain of Chioma's betrayal hit him hard.

"Say something." His wife whined but his mind was far away from the present. His mind was replaying the moment when he walked past the window of the house he had rented for Chioma and he had found her with-

"Fine. If you don't want to go, I'll just go myself." Osa's hands shot out faster than he could think. His hands clenched to her wrist and he held on tight.

"Chioma!" He called. The word was out of his mouth before he could process it.

"Chioma?" Kemi raised a brow at him.

"Yes.. er.. Chioma or is Ijeoma.. That your friend. I haven't seen her in a long time. I hope she's fine." He lied to cover up his slip of tongue.

Kemi gave him a confused look. "It's Ijeoma and she's fine. Why are you asking about her?"

He saw Kemi tighten her lips and spread her legs as though she was taking a fighting stance. He knew he had to think fast or else he'd have to worm his way out of this one and if Kemi found out that he was lying then it would be goodbye hotel for him.

He just wondered though, what it was about Chioma that always brought her to his mind. Why was it that anytime he thought of Kemi being with any other man. except him, he felt the pain of Chioma's betrayal. He ought to have moved on. He loved Kemi in a way that he'd never been able to love Chioma. He was very sure of that.

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