8: Number 9

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"W...What is this?" Bode stuttered, unable to lift his eyes to his wife's face. Zainab kept munching her meal. He ought to have some kind of explanation. She hoped he would say something that would still the pain in her heart but deep within her she already knew the truth. The problem was that she couldn't just accept it. At least not before he confirmed it.

She'd used the time since she got the pictures till he returned home to gather the strength to face him. "Didn't I tell you to pray first?"

"Zainab, are you mad?" He pushed back his chair and rose to his feet. She didn't even flinch rather she wrapped her slim fingers around the glass and raised it to her lips. "Where? Where did you get this?"

"Early Christmas present for your mistress," She said.

"How dare you-" He began but she decided that she had had enough. He was still the same man he'd always been. He couldn't change. She couldn't change him. She wiped her mouth with the serviette and floated to her feet.

"No, how dare you? How could you do this to me?"

"That's not me in the picture." He began.

"of course, it's not you abi. It's your ghost. It's your ghost that is having sex on the floor like a dog. Is this what I mean to you?" she screamed, finally letting some cracks through her icy fortress.

"I swear it's not what you think." He picked up the picture and shredded it but not before she saw guilt flash in his beady eyes. He walked towards her but she recoiled afraid of what he might do. He'd hit her before and he wouldn't hesitate to hit her again.

"Why? Why?" she couldn't even cry. The tears had long gone on vacation. "When? How?"

"It's not what you it looks like." He knelt before her and stared at her with remorse quickly coupled with adoration that she almost let her ice shatter. Almost. She'd learnt that Bode didn't and couldn't change. He was the same man that would beat her until she almost lost consciousness and would still hold her and cover her with kisses. He could be a demon or an angel whenever he pleased.

"Liar." Her hand landed hard against his robust cheeks. Her palm stung from the impact but she gripped his collar with both hands and shook him. "Tell me the truth. Tell me what you would so something so disgusting."

"Zainab, you have surely gone mad." He tried to free his shirt from her grip but she clutched on to him even tighter.

"Why wouldn't I be crazy!" He tried to free his shirt from her grip but she clutched on to him even tighter. "My own husband. I knew there was something crazy about that woman but I wanted to trust you."

"My love. Please, don't shout. Don't give our neighbors something else to gossip about."

"Let them hear! In fact, I'll go and gossip to them." She threatened, finally freeing him from her death grip

"You will do no such thing."

"What? Why? I'm so confused." Those were the only questions she could ask. Her voice faded as she mused to herself. "What does she have that I don't? I thought you would change but you're still the same dog running after everything in a skirt."

"Shut your tongue woman." He turned away from her with a heavy sigh.

"I won't shut up until you answer my questions," She said.

"You want to know why abi? You want to know?" He stomped towards her, his face contorting with anger.

"Come and beat me. Shebi, I'm your house girl. Go ahead." The demon in him was rising but she was prepared to confront it.

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