Dethroning The King

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My thoughts were interrupted by May tapping me on the shoulder. I had trouble hearing what she was saying over the wind but I got the gist of what she was asking.

"Wally can I have Gallade? I want to heal him so we can jump into battle prepared." May said. I handed her the Pokeball and she went to work using various healing items before handing it back to me.

While I was turned around I caught a glance at May. She seemed to be nervous about something.

Before but I had the opportunity to ask May what was wrong we began to descend. We were above the ocean and heading towards an island stationed high above the water.

A waterfall flowed from the top of the island. I could make out the large building on the other side of a giant rock formation making up most of the island.

The building seemed to glisten in the sunlight. It resembled a large castle and was made of whites and reds.

I immediately knew it was the Pokémon League. Where trainers went to take on the Elite Four and Champion.

As we came closer to the island I noticed we were flying to the side of the landmass with the Pokémon Center and waterfall.

Salamence landed on the ground next to the red-roofed building and we all climbed off of the giant lizard.

We were in what was known as Ever Grande City. From what I had researched nobody knew why it was called a city when there weren't any homes or people living on the island.

Emerald looked straight ahead at the entrance to Victory Road. The giant cave system that served as a final challenge for trainers going to take on the Pokémon League.

"This is it, everyone. We certainly don't have much time left so we must hurry. The weapon is within Ever Grande City. I doubt the entrance will be sealed off, but if it is I can open it." Emerald explained.

Brendan stepped forward and checked his supplies. "So we'll probably have to fight your dad again."

Emerald nodded. "I will take him on myself. Focus on dismantling the machine then you can help me battle my father."

The four of us were about to walk into the cave when somebody began to laugh. I looked up and saw King Hoeńal sitting on a giant metal bird.

The bird seemed to be made of metal that reflected light. Its black body seemed to shine and glisten in every direction.

The Pokémon had the familiar multicolored eyes. This bird Pokémon was enhanced with Mega Evolution Energy.

I couldn't place the species of the Pokémon. It must've been completely foreign because in all of my research I had never seen anything resembling the Pokémon.

"I'm impressed you children had the nerve to even show up here!" King Hoeńal boomed. "Unfortunately I don't know what you think will happen here. I was promised this land! I have a right to it! Family died for it! We will take back our homes!"

Emerald whipped out his sword and glared up at his father. His Salamence began to growl and walked up behind him. "You aren't saving anybody father! You are only causing destruction! And I won't let you! I will put a stop to this, once and for all!"

Emerald began to climb aboard his dragon and looked down at us. "Go and stop this! I'll handle my father!" His Pokémon flapped its wings and they shot into the air.

I watched the battle begin. The metal bird was flying circles around Salamence. He wouldn't be able to beat the king on his own. We had to hurry.

I turned and ran straight into Victory Road. I felt the blood pump through me as I weaved through obstacles in the cool and damp cave. Fortunately, it was well-lit enough for us to navigate without much trouble.

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