The Sapphire Division

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It took some time but eventually, the boat arrived at Lilycove City and docked itself. I grabbed my things and shoved them into my bag.

Then I ran to catch up with Brendan. We got off of the cruise ship and left the docks.

Lilycove City was a gorgeous city on the beach. A cool breeze blew through the warm air. People were playing on the beach and in the crystal clear water.

A flock of Wingull flew over us and landed on the gigantic Department Store building. Buildings lined the entire city but none were bigger than the Lilycove City Department Store.

It was a giant skyscraper-like shooting center full of all kinds of trinkets and items for trainers to use.

"Man this place is beautiful!" Brandon asserted. "Shame there ain't much to do. But we should be able to grab a boat to Mosdeep soon enough."

I nodded absentmindedly. I really wanted to check out the Department Store.

Brendan seemed to catch my gaze and agreed. "Well, there is the Department Store at least. Biggest building in Hoenn, I figure."

Ralts broke out of his Pokeball and teleported onto my shoulder. Wally, I can't believe you would keep me in that circle jail instead of showing me this city! This place is great! And exactly like Slateport! Wait but how would I know? YOU DIDN'T LET ME SEE IT!

I groaned internally. If Ralts was going to be a pest this whole time I wasn't sure if my journey would be able to continue before I had to check myself in.

"I didn't know your Ralts could leave his Pokeball whenever he wanted." Brendan mused.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Unfortunately, he can."

"How much of a handful can a Pokémon be? If you ask me, he's kinda cute." Brendan said.

I chuckled. "You don't know the half of it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Ralts, show him why don't you?" I asked my Pokémon.

Ok fine. But only because everybody should be exposed to my awesomeness. Hello other human. I am Ralts. I can talk to your mind. Get over it.

Brendan seemed a bit taken aback but overall not too surprised. "Huh, a talking Pokémon-kinda. I mean I knew psychic Pokémon could communicate with telekinesis. But usually, they don't want to."

"Well, this one talks a little too much," I said, stopping in front of the Department Store entrance. "Looks like we're here."

I pushed open the doors and walked into the first floor. People wandered about. Going up and down the stairs and checking out various products. The first floor was fairly empty but the further floors had all kinds of trinkets.

After about an hour of checking out everything the store had, I purchased a couple of Pokeballs and Potions to be safe. Brendan bought some kind of Pokémon plushie for his 'Secret Base.' He seemed a bit too old to have a secret base but I wasn't one to judge.

Ralts had been pleading for me to get him various worthless things he couldn't even use. It had taken a great deal of effort to keep track of Ralts with his constant teleporting.

We stepped out of the Department Store and I spotted trouble immediately. A group of Team Crown grunts was walking past us and toward the beach. I had to know what they were up to.

Team Crown. My mortal enemies. After them! Ralts commanded.

"Who're those goons?" Brendan asked as we casually followed them.

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