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I kept a brisk pace and quickly arrived back in Petalburg City. I had tried to rush through Route 102 as quickly as possible so I didn't run into Kirlia before I was ready.

I stood in the center of my hometown. I took in all of the familiar scenery. The younger kids were playing outside by the pond. My neighbors were out and about shopping. Trainers were coming and going into the gym.

All of it gave me an exciting feeling of nostalgia.

I didn't want to waste another second. So I went straight to my parent's house. I was about to push the door open, but I decided to knock instead.

I stood on my own doorstep awkwardly. I began to absentmindedly rub my one wrist with my hand.

The door began to open and I anxiously waited to find my mother on the side. She looked me up and down for a moment and then her eyes lit up.

"Oh, Wally!" She pulled me into an embrace. "It's so wonderful that you're home! Come right inside." She released me from the hug and we stepped into my house.

I eagerly took in all of the familiar areas of my home. My father was sitting down on the couch and I saw his face shoot into a smile when he saw me. "Heya champ! Great to see ya!"

My face grew into a broad grin. It was so great to see my parents again. We sat down in the living room.

"So Wally," My father said. "Tell us. How was staying with your uncle?"

I paused. Of course, my uncle wouldn't have told them I'd gone on an adventure. But I couldn't lie to my parents. Could I?

"W-well the way there was pretty f-fun! I even made a f-friend." I told them. I would just avoid lying entirely. The plan was foolproof.

My mother's face lifted into a wide grin. "That's wonderful Wally! What was their name?"

It almost felt childish to be talking about this sort of stuff with my parents. But I was more than happy to talk about my adventure. "His name was Emerald. We met in Rustboro and journeyed together to Verdanturf."

"Haha, that's great Wal! Happy to hear it!" My dad said. "Did you ever end up going to Mauvile?"

I nodded and reached into my bag. I fished out my gym badge and showed it to them. "I even b-beat the gym leader."

My parents stared at the small trophy. "That's wonderful Wally. I'm amazed you did such a thing." My mom muttered.

"W-what's that mean?" I asked.

My mother waved her hands. "Oh, nothing. It's just that you're usually so...reserved, I would never have imagined you battling such a powerful trainer."

I desperately wanted to tell them about the rest of my journey. If they were this proud from one gym badge... maybe they wouldn't mind.

"M-mom dad. There's s-something I have to tell you." I looked off to the side.

My father sat up. "What is it Wal?"

I took a deep breath and started to tell them about the adventure I had gone on. I couldn't bear to look them in the eyes as I talked about making friends and facing off against Team Crown. I wanted to leave things out but I just couldn't. Once I started talking I couldn't stop myself until it was all out there.

Finally, I looked up at them and saw them sitting there looking at me, frozen. Their mouths were agape.

"Y-you... Wally." My mother whispered. "Why would you ever do such a thing without telling us?"

I looked away again. "I-I uhm uh." My hands began to shake.

"Wally you could've been hurt! Taking on Team Crown? What were you thinking?" My dad shouted.

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