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I'd been in Verdanturf town for about three days and I really began to feel better.

For starters, I could actually breathe easily and the air was so clean I was really appreciating the small town.

Second Ralts and Rodney were getting stronger and in turn a lot better at controlling their moves. Ralts could consistently teleport even in high tension situations and Rodney had mastered his drain punch technique.

However, at this point, I was severely tired of battling the same couple trainers in Verdanturf and the route around it. I wanted to go to Mauvile City and in turn on my own Pokémon adventure but I had no idea how to convince my uncle to let me.

He wasn't unreasonable but this would be a pretty big ask. There's no way my parents would approve of it. At least not how they saw me before. But things were different now. I was different now.

Wally just ask the guy to take you to the big city, and then show him just how awesome we are and go on a super adventure. Ralts was all too excited to go out and see the world to prove how strong he was.

I made an executive decision that we wouldn't take on gyms unless I felt like it. There were a lot of gym leaders out there and I didn't feel like tracking them all down.

Eventually, I decided to work up the confidence to just do it. To just go and ask my uncle. I wouldn't know until I tried after all.

With that, I came home after my third day of training to find my aunt and uncle were both home. They were still dressed in semi-formal work clothes as they'd likely just come home from Mauvile where they worked.

My uncle turned to the door and smiled. "Heya Wally! You're home early."

I waved and nodded. "R-right. And I wanted to ask you s-s-something."

His aunt and uncle looked at him curiously. "What is it, Wally?"

"C-could you take me with you to M-M-Mauvile tomorrow?" I asked them.

My uncle seemed surprised. "You sure? I know you don't really like big crowds." I nodded. "If you want to though I can gladly take you. Mauvile's a great city. There's a lot to do and see so I'm sure you'll love it. If you can get over the people that are."

I grinned to them. "T-thanks!"

With that mission accomplished I sped through the rest of the day and gladly awaited the next one. In my borrowed room I told my Pokémon about the big day we had tomorrow.

"With any luck, I can convince him to watch me battle the gym leader. He uses electric types I think. Anyway even if he doesn't see the battle I can always show him the badge." I rambled as I packed my things. I wanted to leave as soon as I proved how strong I was.

I like this energy! Ralts told me. We're gonna stomp those stupid electric types!

I paused and stared at Ralts. "Well... alright then."

The next day couldn't come soon enough.

And when it did I found out that I'd woken up at six in the morning. "Geez, I usually only do this on Christmas morning."

Of course, I took this time to study up. Researching Wattson's Pokémon, reading through my notebook entries on Electric Pokémon, and planning out my strategy.

I even wrote out various potential maps and potential paths the battle could go in and how I would fight my way out of each of them. I was ready.

Come 8 AM my uncle finally woke up and slowly got ready for work. It was grueling waiting for him to finally come downstairs and grab his things.

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