Rescue Mission

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We were able to get aboard the ship relatively easily. I felt that familiar feeling of adrenaline and as if my senses were heightened.

I looked around the ship's deck and spotted a door. Without a word being spoken Gallade ran at the door and punched it down. We ran through the door and down a flight of stairs into the ship itself.

We ran into a Team Crown grunt while trying to navigate the maze of hallways.

He reached for his Pokeball, but Gallade shocked the man with electricity.

The grunt crumbled against the wall and passed out.

I felt an unfamiliar urge to keep pressing forward without taking much time to stop. We ran ahead and entered an open area of the boat.

Dozens of Team Crown grunts were lounging about and seemed to be waiting for something to happen.

The room was relatively empty with only a few cots lining the walls and some tables in the center. There was choppy patchwork decorating the walls and rust coated the floor.

A speaker overhead crackled to life. "Attention Team Crown Members! Prepare to disembark!"

The Crown members cheered and applauded. It didn't take them much longer to notice us standing there.

Uh oh. Looks like we're in a bit of trouble. Gallade said.

Brendan and May reached for their Pokeballs but I looked back at them and shook my head. "Gallade and I can handle this. You guys will need your Pokémon for later."

"Wally, are you sure?" May confirmed.

I nodded. "Gallade and I can do this. Just trust me." I told them.

Brendan wanted to say something in protest but shook his head. "Alright, Wally. We'll be ready to jump in.

Gallade seemed equally as surprised as Brendan and May but punched his fists together. Alright! Action time! 

The grunts were using a large amalgamation of various Pokémon. I couldn't care less about identifying them. We just had to beat them.

I recalled some of the research I had done into move combinations back when I was studying everything I could on Pokémon training. "Alright Gallade, use Psycho Cut and Thunder Punch!" I said.

Gallade's arms began to crackle with electricity and glow. He fired large psychic waves of energy into the crowd of Pokémon. The waves also crackled with electricity and created large shockwaves upon impact.

The grunts commanded their Pokémon to attack and many small Hoenn Pokémon began to leap at Gallade. "Hit then into each other Gallade!"

Gallade blocked attacking Pokémon with his arms and swatted enemy Pokémon out of the air and into others.

My arms began to slightly ache after the onslaught was finished. My entire body felt sore. As if I was the one doing the battling.

There were only a few Pokémon left. I just needed one showstopper. "Gallade get up close and hit as many Pokémon as you can with Brick Break and Thunder Punch!" Gallade dashed into the crowd and brought his powerful arms down on any enemy Pokémon remaining.

Before long all of the Pokémon were defeated and the grunts ran out the other exit.

I wiped some sweat from my forehead and tried to slow my breathing. For the first time in my journey, I began to remember why I hadn't gone on an adventure originally.

The stale air of the ship did nothing to help my struggling breathing. Gallade identified the issue and used his psycho cut to punch a hole in the wall.

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