Reforming a Friendship

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The boat finally pulled into port after what felt like ages. People happily poured off of the ship.

May walked ahead of Brendan and I. Brendan kicked his feet and stared down at his shoes as we walked into Mosdeep City.

The sun had long set and I felt myself shivering from the cold breeze. Looking around the island didn't have much to it.

There was a large rocket and space station in the northern part of the town. Small buildings with stone walls and red concave roofs dotted the island. The easily recognizable gym sat in the center of the town near the Pokémon Center.

The trees were especially interesting. Their roots dug into the ocean water and their dark chocolate colored trunks interwove with each other creating a maze on the shore.

We strolled over to the Pokémon Center and asked for a room. We sat down in our room and Brendan buried his hands in his head.

I tried to think of the right words to say. What if I messed up? But he needed somebody to talk to. That's what friends did. "Brendan... are you ok?"

Brendan threw himself back onto his bed. "I know I messed up with her but I thought she understood why I had to run off." He let all of his thoughts spill out to me.

"I think she understands, but she just can't help but feel betrayed." I offered the advice to him.

Brendan sighed. "Yeah, I know. I just want everything to be good with us again, but it isn't that easy. It's never easy." He chuckled.

I started formulating a plan in my mind. "Well, you know a lot about her. What if you got her trust back by doing something you guys always said you'd do as kids?" I knew it was a long shot but he needed some sort of inspiration.

Brendan shot up. "Of course! She always said she wanted to go to see the Mosdeep Lights!"

"Mosdeep Lights?" I raised an eyebrow.

Brendan nodded. "Yeah at night Mosdeep's plants down on the bottom all light up and it's super beautiful. It's like an underwater lights show. But how do I get her to come with me, she probably feels all upset after the boat thing."

"Well, I can get her out of the room I bet," I said.

Brendan began rubbing his chin. "Right. So just lead her over to the beach and bing bang boom we've got us a redemption!"

Brendan and I stepped out of the room and I quickly realized I had no idea which room May was in. I raised this concern with Brendan and he thought for a moment. "Seven's her favorite number so start there. You might have to knock on a lot of doors though."

The very thought of knocking on the wrong person's door got my heart thumping in my chest. Brendan walked away and left me to work up the confidence to knock on the doors in the center.

I stood outside of room seven for about five minutes with my hand shaking as I slowly tried to get myself to knock on the door.

Eventually, I managed to tap my knuckles on the doorframe and the door opened to reveal May. My entire body breathed a collective sigh of relief when I saw her face.

She'd taken off her bow and now had her hair done in a loose ponytail. "Oh hi, Wally. Sorry, I rushed off to my room before. I'm just... tired." I noticed how terrible of a liar May was.

"Well, Uhm... I don't want to interrupt you sleeping but there's something really cool I wanted to show you out in the town." I offered to her, trying my best to play things genuinely.

May immediately jumped on the offer. She grabbed a large red jacket and threw it on. I recognized one of the symbols on it to be a map of Johto.

She noticed I was staring and as I led her out of the center she took it upon herself to explain. "Well back when I was really young I was born in Johto. Then my parents moved to Hoenn when I was around three and I've lived in Littleroot ever since."

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