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They are taken to Will's house, where Joyce, Johnathan, and Nancy all barge out of the door

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They are taken to Will's house, where Joyce, Johnathan, and Nancy all barge out of the door. "Ruby! You're here!" Nancy calls. She then looks over to her brother. "Mike! Oh, my god. Mike!" She runs up to him, engulfing him in a hug.

"I was so worried about you." She states. "Yeah, Uh... me, too." He replies awkwardly. Nancy looks over to eleven, who seems to be dressed familiarly. "Is that my dress?"

"Ruby, is it?" Joyce asks, approaching the short blonde. "Yeah." She sighs. "Is will alright?" The woman asks worriedly. "I-I dont know what to say. He was really sick when I left. I shouldn't have left." She sobs. "Thank you for everything you've done for him, Ruby. You are so amazing." Joyce cries. "I wish I could do more."

"No, it's not your fault. You thought that we could go back. You never wanted to leave, I forced you." Nancy cuts in, wrapping her arms around her.

"Okay, So, in this example, we're the acrobat." Mike explains, holding up a paper. "Will And Barbara, and that monster, they're this flea. And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space." Mike explains.

"A gate." Dustin adds. "That we tracked to Hawkins Lab." Lucas continues. "With our compasses." Dustin finishes. Nancy, Johnathan, And Joyce squint their eyes in confusion towards the boy.

"Okay, So the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the direction of a compass needle."

"Is this gate underground?" Hopper questions. "Yes." Eleven and Ruby say in unison. "Near a large water tank?" Hopper asks again.

"Yes." Eleven nods. "H-How do you know all that?" Dustin stutters. "He's seen it." Mike realizes. "Is there any way that you could... that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this—"

"The Upside Down." Eleven cuts the woman off. "Down. Yeah." Joyce whispers. Eleven nods. "And my friend Barbara? Can you find her, too?" Nancy speaks up, earning another nod.

They all sit around a table, where eleven tries to reach them from the radio, yet only static is heard. After a flickering of the lights, she opens her eyes. "I'm sorry." She whispers.

"What? Wh-Whats wrong? What happened?" Joyce asks worriedly. "I can't find them." Eleven cries. "Come, You should go wash your face." Ruby says, taking eleven's hand and leading her to the bathroom.

Once they're there, Eleven turns on the faucet, washing away her tears. "I'm sure after you rest, we can try and find him. Eleven stops to look at Ruby, then turns towards the bath. Both their eyes widen in realization. "The bath." The both say.

"The bath." Eleven states as they exit the washroom. "What?" Joyce questions. "I can find them. In the bath."

While Dustin calls their science teacher, Ruby, Johnathan, and Joyce sit together. "How did you find Will?" Joyce asks. "I heard him. He seemed scared. At first, I was scared but, he was really weak. I had to help him." Ruby explains.

"He was captured at some point, but I managed to save him. It's terrible down there. I don't know how much longer he'll last." She says shakily. "This is terrible." Joyce trembles, holding Johnathan's hand in her own. "Mom, it's gonna be all right." Johnathan reassures quietly.

They sigh, then turn around, listening to Dustin. "Do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks? Specifically how to build one?" Dustin asks.

"Fun." Dustin sighs. After a moment, he speaks again. "You always say we should never stop being curious. To always open any curious other door we find. Why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?"

"Notebook." Dustin whispers. Ruby hands him one along with a pencil as he holds the phone to his ear. "Uh-huh." He says as he writes. "Uh-huh. How much? Uh-huh. Yep, all right. Yeah, we'll be careful. Definitely. All right, Mr. Clarke. Yeah, I'll see you on Monday. I'll see you on Monday, Mr. Clarke. Bye." He hangs up.

"Do you still have that kiddie pool we bobbed for apples in?" Dustin asks Joyce. "I think so. Yeah." She shrugs. "Good. Then we just need salt. Lots of it." Dustin nods.

"How much is lots?" Hopper asks. Dustin looks down at his notes. "1,500 pounds."

"Well, where are we gonna get that much salt?" Nancy asks in disbelief. "Hawkins middle."

Lucas, Dustin, and Ruby all head to the gym, where they must set up the pool. "This damn thing is heavy." Dustin whined. Ruby rolls her eyes, picking it up with ease. The two look to her in confusion, which she just shrugs to.

She sets it down in the center, and they untie it. "Come on. It's upside down."

"No, this way."

They open it, yet it isn't properly set up. "How does this even work?" Dustin asks. "I don't know. I've never even seen one of these before." Ruby responds. "Try that side." Lucas suggests. "Son of bitch!" Dustin shouts. "Pull it back. Pull it back."

"I am!" Dustin yells. "It needs water." Ruby states.

Mike and Nancy arrive with hoses, beginning to fill it up. Lucas measures the temperature. "Colder!" He calls out. "Warmer!" He shouts back. "I got this one." Ruby says, placing her hands in the water.

"Right there." Lucas says. Ruby takes out her hands, wiping them on her dress. They begin pouring the salt, testing it until it's the perfect amount.

Eleven hands mike his watch, places the goggles on her eyes, and enters the water. Everyone takes a seat, watching intently as the lights begin to flicker. Ruby nervously bites her lip, praying for Will to be okay.

"Barbara?" Eleven asks silently. The electricity pulsates as eleven gasps in fear. "What's going on?" Nancy asks. "I don't know." Mike shrugs.

"It always happens. It takes a lot of energy." Ruby responds. Nancy nods, and looks to eleven. "Is barb okay? Is she okay?"

"Gone. Gone. Gone." Eleven cries quietly as Nancy begins to cry. "It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." Joyce whispers. "Gone. Gone!" She begins shouting.

Ruby places a hand on her mouth, tearing up. "I'm right here with you." Joyce says calmingly, holding Eleven's hand.

"Castle Byers." Eleven whispers. Ruby's eyes widen. She sits up, leaning over the tub. "Will?" She speaks.

"Will.." Ruby whispers. "You tell him... tell him I'm coming. Mom is coming." Joyce says. "Your mom... sh-shes coming for you." Eleven stutters. "Hurry." Will replies weakly.

"Okay. Listen, you tell him to... t-to stay where he is. We're coming. We're coming, okay? We're coming, honey."

"Just... just hold on a little longer. Will. Will." Eleven repeats. "Will? Will!" She shoots out of the water, quickly removing her goggles.

Ruby sniffles, wiping away her tears.

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