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Will lies on the hospital bed peacefully

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Will lies on the hospital bed peacefully. He opens his eyes, coming face with his mother and brother. "Hey. Hi, sweetheart." Joyce smiles. "Hey." Johnathan beams.

"Where... where am I?" Will asks. "You're home. You're home now." Johnathan responds. "You're safe."


"Yeah, it's me, buddy." He cries. "We missed you. We really missed you." He sighs. "Are you okay?" He asks, looking down at his hand. "What, this? It's just a cut. It's nothing." He chuckles. "You're worried about my hand."

"Oh, hey, uh. We brought you some stuff.." Johnathan says, pulling out a box. "So you don't get bored in here. So... uh, I made you a new mix tape. There's some stuff on there I think you really might like."

Will smiles.

Just a few moments later, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas barge in excitedly. "Byers!" Mike shouts, engulfing him in a hug. "Be careful. Be careful with him." Joyce warns.

"Move." Dustin says, taking his turn in hugging him. "You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man." Lucas says happily.

"It was mental." Dustin adds. "We had a funeral." Lucas states. "Jennifer Hayes was crying." Dustin says. "And Troy peed himself." Lucas continues. "What?" Will asks in disbelief.

"In front of the whole school!" Dustin exclaims. Will laughs, but begins coughing right after. The room goes silent. "You okay?" Mike asks.

"It got me. The Demogorgon." Will says. "We know." Mike nods. "It's okay. It's dead. We made a new friend. She stopped it. She saved us. But she's gone now." Mike sighs.

"Her name's Eleven." Dustin states. "Like the number?" Will's eyes widen. "Well, we call her 'El' for short." Lucas comments. "She's basically a Wizard." Dustin adds. "She has superpowers."

"More like a Yoda." Mike argues. "Her and Ruby flipped a van with their mind, and these agents were trying to shoot us—"

"Yeah, it flipped over us—" lucas cuts him off. "Then she squeezed the brains out..." Mike speaks. "And blood was pouring out of their faces."

"And it was pouring out of their eyes." Mike exclaims. "Agents just started grabbing us and stuff.."

"... shot out of the wall..." their rambles all merge into each other until will realizes. "Wait." Will says. Everyone goes silent. "Ruby's here?" He asks.

"Did someone call?" A voice calls from outside of the room. They all turn around, glancing at the door. The blonde girl walks in with a hospital gown, and a wrap around her palm.

"Ruby." Will smiles happily. "Will." She runs to him, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm so sorry I left. I wanted to come back and help you." She sniffles. "It's okay." He whispers.

"I missed you." She smiles, pulling out of the hug. "I missed you, too." He beams. "Oh.. I see what's going on here." Lucas smirks. He whispers to mike and Dustin. Who chuckle along as they leave the two alone.

Ruby watches them leave, snickering. "Your friends are funny." She chuckles, holding his hand and taking a seat at a chair nearby. "What happened to your hand?" He questions.

"They shot me. Do you believe it?" She chuckles. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay now. Are you?"

"Yeah." He smiles. "Where are you gonna live?"

"I don't know." She sighs. "I'm sure mom won't mind having you stay with us." Johnathan cuts in. "Will I get to go to school?" She asks excitedly. "Yeah, I guess." He shrugs.

Ruby squeals in excitement. "I'm gonna go ask her, alright? Goodnight, Will." Johnathan says, then closes the door. "I'm sure you're tired." Ruby says, looking to Will's eyes. "Yeah." He responds softly.

I'm just a matter of second, the both of them fall asleep. Ruby, on her chair, holds his hand as she leans her head on the edge of the hospital bed.

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