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Ruby and Bob silently walk down the stairs

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Ruby and Bob silently walk down the stairs. Their hearts beat out of their chests as the only sounds heard are their footsteps, and the blaring alarm.

They reach the basement, searching for the breakers. Suddenly, the air from the pipe hisses, causing Ruby to let out a scream. Bob quickly covers her mouth, holding her close.

"We gotta keep it together." He whispers. They nervously search. Once they enter another room, they come across two lifeless scientists. This time, Ruby resists the urge to scream. "You shouldn't have come." Bob turns to look at the frightened girl.

"I wanted to help." She manages to say. They slowly step over the bodies, then continue. "Okay, here we go." Bob mutters as they reach the end.

Bob begins pulling up levers, helped out by Ruby. She grunts as she pulls it up, then walks back to Bob. "Okay, Bob, can you hear us?" Owens asks through the walkey talkie.

"Loud and clear, Doc." Bob responds. "Can you hear me back?"

"We hear you. Is Ruby alright?" He asks. "She's holding up." Bob smiles to the girl, seating himself down at the computer. "All right, give me a minute." He states.

He begins typing a way, focusing his attention on the green letters appearing on the black screen ahead of him. He picks up the walkey talkie. "Open sesame." He says.

He hits the key, unlocking the doors. "Ruby, go." Bob states. "No, I don't wanna leave without you." She argues. "Fine. Come on." He takes her hand, pulling her out.

They pause near the staircase, checking in with the others. "What's going on?" Bob asks. "We've got some company." Owens warns. "Where?" Ruby asks.

"The west stairwell."

"I got an idea." Bob walks back to the computer, making sure Ruby is following. He begins typing, setting off the sprinklers at a random hallway. "And.. splash." He smirks.

"Okay. Okay, that worked." Owen speaks up in shock. "Now, get out of there. Go! Go!" He orders.

Bob and Ruby walk out hand in hand, Ruby holding out a hand, ready to fire at any moment. They run up the staircase. 

"Hey, Bob?" Owens says. "Yeah?" He whispers. "I'm gonna guide you two, okay?" He states. "Is there a problem?" Ruby asks.

"No, it's just... it's, uh, getting a little crowded up here, so we're gonna have to take this slow." He explains. "All right, just start walking."

The two of them begin walking slowly, turning around a corner. "Okay, now, your next right." He instructs. "Now, keep going, keep going, keep going..."

They begin to quicken up their pace, wanting to get out as soon as possible. "Stop!" He shouts. Bob comes to an abrupt stop, placing a hand in front of the blonde.

"What?" He asks. "Bob, there's a door on your left, do you see that?"

Bob and Ruby turn to look to their side. "Yeah?" Bob nods. "That's a closet." Owens explains. "Okay?"

"Yeah, I need you to get in it."

"What?" Ruby asks in confusion. "Now! Right now. Get in the closet." He orders. Bob pushes the girl inside, following shortly behind. He turns off the flashlight, holding his breath. Right behind the door, the creature stands, growling lowly.

Ruby shuts her eyes in fear, shuddering. Once it leaves, Owen turns on the microphone. "Okay. How you two holding up there. You all right?" He asks. "Yeah. Yeah."

"You got a pretty clear shot to the front door." He states. "Okay." Bob nods. "You can do this, okay? You're almost home, free, all right, you two?"

"Alright." Ruby replies shakily. Bob slowly pushes the door open, pulling Ruby behind him. Without noticing, he accidentally knocks over a broom stick. As it hits the ground, it makes a loud thud.

Ruby immediately lifts her fire, holding her hands ahead of her. "Run!" Owens shouts. The two of the begin running as fast as they can, pushing through doors. Finally, bob manages to shut the door behind them, keeping them safe from the creature.

Ruby glances at the exit right in front of her with happy eyes. She runs out, passing Joyce and meeting with Mike. "You're okay." He smiles, wrapping his arms around her.

Before they knew it, two loud screams are heard from inside. One from Joyce, and one from Bob. "Bob!" Ruby screams, listening fearfully. She tries to run inside, but Mike pulls her back.

After a few moments, Hopper and Joyce run out. "What happened?" Mike asks. "He's gone! He's gone!" Hopper shouts.

With a loud honk, Johnathan and Nancy pull up in their car. "Come on! Get in!" Johnathan yells. Everyone runs to the car, quickly getting in.

"I'm gonna go take another car. We won't all fit in here." Hopper says, running off to the parking lot. Ruby and Mike take will and push him into the car as he still lies unconscious.

"When will he wake up?" Ruby asks as Johnathan speeds away.

"I don't know. But when he does, we're screwed."

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