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"Ruby, hurry up!" Will calls as he stands by the front door

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"Ruby, hurry up!" Will calls as he stands by the front door. "Hold on! Hold on!" She shouts back, running back out with a stuffed bag. "Do you really need that many things? We're just going to a movie." He asks, throwing open the door.

"Yes, I do." She smirks, pecking his cheek before exiting the house and getting into Joyce's car.

The two of them arrive at Starcourt mall, where they meet up with Lucas and Max. "Hey!" Ruby smiles, running up to greet Max. The two hug each other, before Ruby examines her surroundings curiously. "Where's Mike?" She asks.

"He's late." Lucas crosses his arms. "I mean, it's mike. Isn't it?" Will states, chuckling. "Aww, we're missing the ads." Ruby sighs.

"You like the ads?" Will turns to face her. "Yeah. They advertise all sorts of cool stuff." She responds. "You're really strange Sometimes, Ruby." Will jokes, wrapping an arm around her.

"There are stranger things." She playfully rolls her eyes, then watches as another boy approaches them. "Hey, Mike." She smiles. "You're late." Lucas states angrily.

"I know. I'm sorry." He sighs. "Again." Lucas rolls his eyes. "We're gonna miss the opening." Will comments. "And we already missed the ads." Ruby adds, causing Mike to give her a strange look.

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go!" Mike says, nodding his head towards the entrance. "If you guys keep whining about it. Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh." Lucas mocks. "Just please stop talking, dude." Mike snaps back.

"Let me guess. You were busy." Lucas smirks, smacking his lips. "Oh, yeah, real mature, Lucas." Mike says sarcastically. "Oh, El, i wish we could make our forever, and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas continues. Will chuckles, causing Ruby to slap his arm. "What?" He asks. She shakes her head.

"Lucas, stop." Max speaks up. "Will thinks it's funny." Lucas turns back to look at the chuckling boy. "Because it is." He smiles. "Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike sighs.

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend. So is Will." Lucas argues. "Yeah, well unlike Ruby and max, el can't go to the movies." Mike begins walking down the escalator, pushing through the crowd of people.

"Sorry! Sorry!" They all apologize as they break through. Mike accidentally bangs into another woman, who turns to look at him angrily. "Hey, watch it!" She warns.

"Yeah, watch it, nerd!" Erica calls out. "Isn't it past your bed time?" Lucas sneers. "Isn't it time to you died?" Her friends giggle.



"Mall rat!"

"Fart face!"

Lucas blows a raspberry, being pulled back by Max. "Oh, that was mature." She grabs his arm, pulling him into scoops. Ruby turns to Will, chuckling. Will smiles, interweighing their fingers.

They reach the front counter and Mike begins ringing the bell repeatedly. "Hey, dingus, your children are here." Robin, who is standing right at the counter, calls.

Steve opens up the windows, unamused. "Again? Seriously?"

Mike replies by hitting the bell once again, keeping a straight face. "Jesus. Come in." Steve allows them in, then brings them to the back. They walk through the door as he rushes them.

"I swear, if anybody hears about this—"

"We're dead!" They all finish.

Mike lightly pushes open the door, examining the area. "All clear." He says, quickly making his way into the theatre, followed by the others.

They walk over people's feet and knees, trying to get to the free seats in the center. "See, Lucas? We made it." Mike whispers as they take a seat. "We missed the previews." Lucas responds. "Who are you? Ruby?" Mike squints his eyes.

"Still made it. Fart face." Max smirks. Ruby opens up her bag, pulling out the snacks. "Still think it's ridiculous that I brought this much?" She smiles at Will, ruffling his hair. He pushes his hand against her face, causing her to scrunch up her features. "Stop that." She chuckles, pulling his hand off.

They pass the snacks and drinks down just as the movie begins. Will wraps an arm around Ruby, who rests her head on his shoulder.

Suddenly, the movie makes an abrupt stop, causing the theatre to burst out in anger. Ruby groans, leaning her head back.

After a few moments, the powers returns and the movie projects. Ruby and will smile to each other, then turn to face the screen.

Suddenly, Will begins feeling an ache in his chest and a strange sensation on the back of his neck. He reaches behind, lightly brushing his palm against it.

He breathes heavily, all sound clearing out. "Hey." Ruby taps him. Will gasps, turning to face her. "You okay?" She asks worriedly. "Yeah." Will nods.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." He nods. "Okay." She sighs, holding on to his hand.

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